Nov 25, 2020

Grocery Shopping Experience *Assignment for class six

 In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Beneficent  

Have you ever visited any grocery shop? Why did you go there and who with? What did you see there? If you are yet to visit such a shop, what are the reasons behind? In that case narrate any of your shopping experience in 300 words.

               My Grocery Shopping Experience

We need a lot of things to buy in our daily life from the grocery store. So, buying daily commodities from a grocery store is called grocery shopping. Grocery stores are everywhere in the world.

Justify the title of the poem “Holding Hands” *Assignment for class six

 In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Beneficent  

Holding Hands Assignment

The title of the poem is absolutely appropriate and relevant. Here the poet shows the solidarity of the elephant while going out. We all know that elephants are walking in circus rings holding each other's hands, trunks and tails. They never fail because they are united. The title of the poem also implies the importance of being together. So, I think the title of the poem is appropriate in the context of the poem.


* হে মুমিন গন! তোমরা ধৈর্য্য ও নামাযের মাধ্যমে সাহায্য প্রার্থনা করো। নিশ্চিতই আল্লাহ ধৈর্য্যশীলদের সাথে রয়েছেন। (সূরা আল বাক্বারাহ - ১৫৩)