Jun 11, 2021

A dialogue between myself and the librarian about having a library card

 In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent

A dialogue between myself and the librarian about having a library card

 Myself           :  Excuse me!

Librarian       :  Oh sure!  Good morning. How can I help you?

Myself           :  I want to have a library card. Could you tell the procedure of being a 

                           member of the library?

Librarian       :  Yes, of course. Which class do you read in?

Myself           :   Oh, I am in class six.

Librarian       :   Do you have your identity card?

Myself           :  Yes, I have. Here it is.    

Librarian       :  Okay. Please fill up this form.

Myself           :  I have filled in the form. Here it is, please.

Librarian       :  Thanks. Please take your card.

Myself           :  How many books can I borrow at a time?

Librarian       :  You can borrow two books at a time.

Myself           :  How long can I keep them with me?

Librarian       :  You can keep them only for two weeks. After two weeks you have to bring   

                         them back. Otherwise, you will be charged 10 taka per for not returning   

                         them within due time.

Myself           :  Ok. I will try my best to follow the rules. Thank you for information.

Librarian       :  You are most welcome.

1 comment:

  1. tanx vai all most time everthing good time job
