Showing posts with label composition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label composition. Show all posts

Jul 3, 2023

Essay on A Journey by Train * Train Journey

 In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful

                   A Journey by Train

Life is a continuous journey. Everyone has a fascination for a making journey.  It is a source of immense pleasure. I am very much fond of journey but I always remain very busy with my study. So it is not usually possible for me to go to visit my kith and kin. I  feel suffocated very often. One day I decided to go to visit my aunt who lives in a remote village. The only communication that is available today is the railway. So, I alone ventured to go to visit my aunt.

Jul 2, 2023

Seasons of Bangladesh

 In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful

Seasons of Bangladesh


Season is one of the divisions of a year according to weather. Its number and features vary from country to country.  Bangladesh is a favorite play ground of six seasons. At an interval of every two months, there appears a new season. The seasons are summer, the rainy season, autumn, late autumn, winter and spring. Each season has its own beauty, color, sights, sounds and features.

Jul 1, 2023

Essay on Newspaper * Newspaper

  In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful


A newspaper indicates a set of regularly printed sheets of paper consisting of news reports, articles, photographs and advertisements. It mainly contains news and views of home and abroad. It is true that with the invention of radio, TV, computer and internet men have easy access to information worldwide. But the necessity of newspapers has not lessened at all. Frankly speaking, a newspaper has become an integrated part of our everyday life.

Essay on My Visit to a Place of Historical Interest * My Visit to a Place of Historical Interest

  In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful

                        My Visit to a Place of Historical Interest

A place of historical interest indicates the testimony of the ancient heritage and cultural identity of a country. After the test examination, a study tour in Bagerhat was arranged by our school. It was an ample opportunity for me to visit Bagerhat, a place of historical interest. While visiting the place, the name that comes first to our mind is Khan Jahan Ali due to his doing various philanthropic activities.

Jun 26, 2023

Essay of A Village Fair * A village Fair composition

  In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful

A Village Fair

A village fair is a large assembly of men, women and children on a particular occasion. It is an amusing annual meeting place of the village people. It is like a mirror that reflects the sign of rural life. It brings a chance in the monotonous life of the villagers. People of all ages specially the children eagerly wait for this happy occasion.

Discipline * Essay on Discipline

 In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful


Discipline indicates the quality of being able to behave and work in a controlled way which involves obeying particular rules or standards. It is the precondition to succeed in life. It is regard as an essential part to regulate human conduct in the right manner in the right time. So to be successful one should be disciplined. It has no alternative way.

Essay of A Journey by Bus * A Journey by Bus

 In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful

                  A Journey by Bus

Life is a continuous journey. Everyone has a fascination for a making journey.  It is a source of immense pleasure. I am very much fond of journey but I always remain very busy with my study. So it is not usually possible for me to go to visit my kith and kin. I often feel suffocated very often. One day I decided to go to visit my aunt who lives in a remote village. The only communication that is available today is the bus. So, I alone ventured to go to visit my aunt.

My Faourite Game * Essay on The Game I like Most

 In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful

The Game I like Most

Games and sports denote a set of activities with the help of some required entities to be done by human being according to some hard and fast rules and regulations in order to stay healthy and become stronger. Games and sports provide us with a relief from the monotony and boredom of life and again strengthen the particular organs of our body. The types of games are so many including outdoor games, indoor games, native and foreign games etc.

Physical exercise * Essay on Physical exercise

 In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful

Physical Exercise

 Physical exercise means regular movement of the limbs of the body following certain rules. It is a precondition to sound health. It makes us active. Even in order to have disease free body we have to take physical exercise regularly.

Essay of My Aim in Life * My Future Plan of Life

 In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful

My Future Plan of Life/ My Aim in Life

Human life on earth is dynamic and full of activities everyone, therefore, must have a plan to do something or to be something in future. A person having no aim can never go ahead as expected. He stumbles in his way of life. Students find it difficult to choose a suitable profession because there are many paths and courses open to them. So, everyone should choose a suitable career carefully and deliberately.

Jun 21, 2023

UNEMPLOYMENT PROBLEM IN BANGLADESH * Essay on unemployment problem in Bangladesh



Being a small country with large population, Bangladesh is beset with a good deal of problems. Unemployment problem is one of them. Unemployment means a state of being without any opportunity of earning one’s livelihood. When a person, whether he is educated or not, does not get any occupation by which he can maintain himself and his family, he must be said to be unemployed. At present, managing a job is the toughest task for thousands of young men in our country.

Jun 20, 2023

Duties of a Student* Essay on Duties of a Student

 In the name of Allah, the Most beneficent, the Merciful   

Duties of a Student

A student has a lot of duties to himself as well as to the parents, to the country, to the mankind and above all, to the Almighty. His duties to himself are very significant because student life is the best part of his life. It is as it were the seed time of life. A student has also some certain duties to the society in which he lives in.

My Hobby * Essay on My Hobby


My Hobby

Hobby means pastime or any of the forms of amusement or recreational activity which becomes one’s major pursuit during one’s leisure hours. Despite favourite occupation, it is not one’s main business. A hobby refreshes the mind and the body after hard work. It gives us opportunity of escaping from the monotonous routine bound life.

Jun 2, 2023

Tree Plantation

 In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful

Tree Plantation

Tree plantation indicates planting trees to a large extent. The motto of tree plantation is to bring every eligible bare space of land under afforestation. In environment, a tree is one of the most significant elements which plays a vital role in our life as well as in our economy. We cannot think of our existence without trees. As our best friends, trees are closely related to our life. Rabindranath says, ‘Back thy forest, take your town.’

 A tree serves many useful purposes. It takes in carbon dioxide and produces oxygen which is indispensable for our life. It defends animal world from danger. Trees provide us with various kinds of juicy, delicious and nutritive fruits, beautiful flowers, fuel and timber. Trees make the air fresh and improve the environment. They have also added to the beauty of the nature. They save us from storms and floods and prevent land from erosion.

People have all the time been cutting down trees for many purposes. This is creating a perilous situation for the country. It requires minimum 25% forest land for any country to maintain natural balance. But Bangladesh has only 16% forest land of the total land area. As a result, the balance in the seasons in Bangladesh is not now maintained. We are not getting enough rainfall. Sudden flood, cyclone and overflowing of water occur almost every year in Bangladesh. If trees are continuously destroyed, Bangladesh will turn into a desert in future.

Anyway, to have the ecological balance, we should plant saplings in every bare space of land. We should plant more trees than we cut down. The sea beaches or coastal areas, the low lying areas, both sides of the roads and highways should be brought under afforestation. June and July are the best time for tree plantation. Our government has already launched a massive and ambitious programme regarding tree plantation.

In fine, it can be said, ‘Where there is a tree, there is a life.’ We should not destroy trees at random. To lead a happy, peaceful and progressive life under the shade of green trees, we must undertake a vast project for planting trees all over the country. To materialize this purpose, mass awareness is urgently required.


‘There is no alternative of hard work’


Sep 1, 2021

The Wonders of Modern Science - Composition/ Essay

 In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent

The Wonders of Modern Science

Modern age is an age of science. Modern science is nothing but a skill magician. It has made our life easy and comfortable. One after one, it is providing the mankind with wonders. It has absolutely conquered the indomitable forces of nature. In fact, we cannot think of our modern life without science.