Oct 17, 2020

A dialogue about the importance of learning English * Benefits of learning English

 In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Beneficent

 A dialogue between Fahim and Abid about the importance of learning English is given below:

Fahim    : Good morning, Tom.

Abid       : Good morning, Fahim.

Fahim     : What are you doing?

Abid        : I am reading an article about the importance of learning English.

Fahim     : Actually English is essential in our every walk of life.

Abid       : You’re right. English as an international language plays a vital and

                 dominant role throughout the world .

Fahim     : Why is English considered as an international language?

Abid       :  In my opinion, English is an international language because it                        is the only language through which  anybody  can                                             communicate  with  foreigners whose  mother tongues are different.

Fahim    : Is that all?

Abid     : No. Higher education at home and abroad necessitates learning                     English well. Because the best books on different branches of                         education are mostly written in English.

Fahim    : Why is English so important for developing our country?

Abid       : It is essential because we will be able to produce good teachers,

                doctors, economists, philosophers , skilled and efficient technicians,

                engineers and diplomats if our students have sound knowledge in                     English.

Fahim    : Though we learn English as a foreign language, it’s importance is                     no less than our mother tongue.

Abid      : You are right. It also helps a man to get a good job and earn more.

Fahim   : It’s the official or semi-official language in more than 60 countries                 and many international organizations. So to maintain daily official                 correspondence English is a must.

Abid     : So, learning English in a proper way to cope with the                                      competitive world.

Fahim   : I do agree with you. In fact the importance of English cannot be                        described in a word.

Abid     : So there is no doubt that all of us must learn English.

Fahim   : Thanks for your suggestions.

Abid      : My pleasure.

 *হে ঈমানদারগণ! তোমরা আল্লাহকে ভয় করো এবং তাঁর রাসূলের প্রতি বিশ্বাস স্থাপন করো। তিনি নিজে অনুগ্রহের দ্বিগুণ অংশ তোমাদেরকে দিবেন, তোমাদেরকে দিবেন জ্যোতি, যার সাহায্যে তোমরা চলবে এবং তোমাদেরকে ক্ষমা করবেন। আল্লাহ ক্ষমাশীল, দয়াময়।(সূরা আল হাদীদ-২৮)