Dec 4, 2016

A dialogue on the importance of games and sports

In the name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The  Most Merciful

A dialogue between two friends on the importance of games and sports
Zaif     : Good afternoon, how are you?

aad   : Good afternoon, I am fine. What’s about you?

Zaif    : Fine. Where are you going now?

Saad  : Oh, now I am going to play football with my  
            friends. Will you play  with  us?

Zaif    : Actually, I do not like any type of games and 
           sports. They are totally boring and wasting of   

Saad  : Very sad. You are a good student but you do not 
           know about the importance of games and sports.  

Zaif    : Are they important for us?

Saad  : Surely, they help us to be active and fresh. They 
            remove all of the disease and monotony from our 
            body. Games and sports make us fit and 
           strong.  Even they are also a form of  good 

Zaif   : Really! I was in dark about this. As a result I 
           always feel sick and  weak. But it needs so much 

Saad : You can play only in the afternoon or when you 
           get free at that time you can play.

Zaif   : Thank you for your valuable advice. 
           Now from today I will start playing games. So, let’s  
           go. I will also play with you.

Saad  :  Ok. Let’s go.

হে ঈমানদারগণ! তোমাদের ধন-সম্পদ ও সন্তান-সন্ততি যেন তোমাদেরকে আল্লাহর স্মরণ থেকে উদাসীন (গাফেল) না করে। যারা এ কারণে উদাসীন (গাফেল) হবে, তারাই তো ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত। (সূরা মুনাফিকুন-০৯)


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