Dec 13, 2016

Appropriate Preposition- Practice Sheet-02

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the Merciful

# Fill in the blanks with appropriate preposition:
1. I have full faith ------- almighty Allah (SWT).
2. He was deprived ---------the basic rights.
3. I depend --------- his word.
4. I deliver the parcel ---- his mother.
5. The item was deleted ------- the list.
 6. I am familiar ----- the new technology.
7. The authority excused him ------ the charges of taking bribe.
8. The girl is expert ------ Arabic language.
9. This book is dissimilar ----- that one
10. He deals ------ garments.                          
 in, of, on, to, from, with, from, in, from, in

***হে ঈমানদারগণ! তোমরা রুকু করো, সেজদা করো, তোমাদের

পালনকর্তার এবাদত করো এবং সৎকর্ম সম্পাদন কর, যাতে তোমরাসফলকাম হতে পার। (সূরা হাজ্জ্ব-৭৭)

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