Oct 31, 2020

A dialogue about the preparation for the exam

 In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Beneficent

A dialogue between two friends about the preparation for the exam

Ratul: Hello, Majid. How are you?

Majid: I am well. What about you?

Ratul: I am much worried about the upcoming examination.

Majid: Why? How is your preparation going?

Ratul: Not very good. I haven’t yet completed all subjects.

Majid: Don’t worry. You’ll be able to cover up.

Ratul: You have always been on top in your exams. Would you tell me the secret of      

           your brilliant results?

Majid: Certainly. To do well in the exam you have to study regularly. You should  

             make your own notes and revise them frequently.

Ratul: Should I follow the specific suggestions?

Majid: I think it will be better if you study all the questions of the text books.

Ratul: But some topics in English and math seem to me difficult. What can I do in

           that case?

Majid: Well you may consult the respective subject teacher of our school.

Ratul: Good. Have any advice for me?

Majid: The thing you need to do is to have a fairly good command over language.

Ratul: Thank you for your advice. I will follow it. I hope you have an excellent


Majid: Yes, I have as I am regular in my studies.

Ratul: Thanks Majid. See you later.

Majid: Bye, take care.

সত্য তোমার রবের পক্ষ থেকে, সুতরাং সন্দেহকারীদের মধ্যে অন্তর্ভুক্ত হয়ো না

(সূরা আলে-ইমরান-৬০)

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