Jun 23, 2021

Class 7 English Assignment Answer 2021 ( 6th week)


In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent


Keyword: Recall (verb) - remember

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page no: 1039

Adjective form: Recallable

Sentence: He could not recall the topics though it was recallable topics.


Keyword:  Erase (verb) - (to rub or remove something, such as written, painted letters)

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page no: 412

Adjective form: Erasable

Sentence: The painting is not erasable.


Keyword: Intelligent (adjective) - (able to learn and understand things easily)

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page no: 653

Noun form: Intelligence

Sentence: His intelligence on the subject impressed me.


Keyword: Performance (noun) - (how well a person, machine etc. does a piece of work or an activity)

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page no: 921

Verb form: Perform

Sentence: Computers can perform a variety of tasks.


Keyword: Wildly (adverb) -  (in an uncontrolled and extreme way)

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page no: 1459

Adjective form: Wild

Sentence: She had a wild look in her eyes.


Keyword: Eminent (adjective) - (respected or important)

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page no: 398

Synonym: famous

Sentence: We are expecting the arrival of an eminent historian.


Keyword: Nervous (adjective)-(worried)

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page no: 832

Synonym: anxious

Sentence: Do you feel anxious during exams?


Keyword: Engrave (verb)-(to cut words, pictures or patterns into the surface of metal, stone etc.)

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page no: 404

Adjective form: engraved

Sentence: It is clear that not even every doctor has this message firmly engraved on his mind.


Keyword: Admire (verb)-(regard with love, respect and esteem)

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page no: 16

Adjective form: Admirable

Sentence: The police did an admirable job in keeping the fans calm.


Keyword: Poverty (noun) - (the condition of being extremely poor)

Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary page no: 969

Adjective form: Poor

Sentence: He came from a poor immigrant family.

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