Sep 5, 2022

A School Magazine - Paragraph

 In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful

A School Magazine

A magazine that contains writings of the teachers and the students of a school is called a school magazine.  It is an annual or periodical publication of every well established school.

It gives a view of the life of the school and reveals the creative genius of the students. School magazine contains poems, articles, short stories, riddles, jokes, annual reports and general knowledge etc. the editor and his assistants have to work hard to publish the magazine. The magazine committee invites writings from students and teachers. Then they sort out them and select the best ones for printing. A student feels proud and happy when he finds his writing in print. In fact, the school magazine is the first sleeping stone for the future writers. It helps the student to express their thought and feelings and to develop their latent creative sense. The school magazine also reflects the academic and co-curricular activities of the school. Our school also has a school magazine entitled as ‘Dishari’. The principal is the chief patron of it. Our school magazine mirrors our school.

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