Sep 5, 2022

A Street Hawker - Paragraph

 In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful

                        A Street Hawker 

A person who maintains his livelihood hawking different sorts of things by going from door to door or street to street is known as a street hawker. He is very familiar figure to all of us. He is mostly found on the street of a city, at a bus stand, at a railway station, at the launch terminal and before the educational institutions.

A street hawker generally offers toys, fruits, newspapers, clothes, sweets, laces, ice-creams, bangles, utensils, fancy goods for woman, domestic articles and things of our daily consumption like fish, vegetables etc. While passing along the streets, he makes a peculiar sound to draw the attention of the customers. He is very keen to sell his goods to the woman and the children whom he can cheat easily. He usually carries his goods either in hands or on head and sometimes in a small handcart. There are some street hawkers who sell their goods sitting on the footpath. A street hawker is usually a poor guy. Sometimes he can earn sufficient. But during rough weather or his illness, he cannot earn. Actually his life is filled with Variety. To speak the truth, a street hawker does not lead an easy-going or comfortable life but it is rather difficult and full of hardship.

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