Sep 5, 2022

The Annual Prize Giving Ceremony- Paragraph

 In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent

  The Annual Prize Giving Ceremony of our School

The annual prize distribution ceremony of our school was held on the 15th February. The whole campus was tastefully decorated. Two gates were set up to welcome the visitors including the honourable chief guest.

The students and teachers of our school and many respectable ladies and gentlemen including guardians of the students assembled in the school premises. The ceremony started at 10.00 am with the recitation from the holy Quran and singing of the national anthem. Then the chairman of our school, the chief guest, was pleased to preside over the function. He then called upon our headmaster to read out the annual report. The headmaster called the names of the prize winners one after another and they approached to receive their respective prize. Some members of managing committee spoke some words of advice for the students. Then the chief guest delivered his speech. Then everybody enjoyed the cultural programme performed by the students of our school. After that all the students as well as the invited guests were entertained with light refreshments when the function was over. This is how we celebrated the annual prize day of our school.


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