Dec 19, 2022

Modifiers exercises for HSC with answer 2016-2019

           In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful

Modifiers all board question with answer 2019

1. 1. Read the following text and use modifiers as directed in the blank spaces. [Dhaka Board 2019]

Arsenic is a (a)---(pre-modify the noun) substance. It is (b)---(use an intensifier to pre-modify the adjective) dangerous for human health. (c)---(use a demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) substance is found in the water of the tube well. There are (d)---(use quantifier to pre-modify tie noun) villages in (e)---(use possessive to pre-modify the noun) country. Most of our (f)---(use a noun adjective to pre-modify the noun) people drink tube well water. As a result, many of them are suffering from the arsenic problem. This problem is (g)---(pre-modify the verb) found in North Bengal. We should take proper measures (h)---(post-modify the verb with an infinitive phrase). Government is trying to mark the tube wells having arsenic (i)---(use a participle to post modify the verb) red colour. People should be refrained from drinking water of (j) – (use demonstrative to pre-modify the noun) tube wells. Otherwise, they will suffer from arsenicosis.

Answer: a) harmful/poisonous/detrimental; b) very/extremely; c) this; d) many/several; e) some; f) village/common village; g) mostly/ usually /unexpectedly/nowadays; h) to remain save/to remove this problem/to purify the water; i) painting; j) those/these

Dec 14, 2022

SSC Right Form of Verbs all board 2015/16/17/18/19/20

              In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful

 SSC Right Form of Verbs all board 2020

1. Complete the following text with the right forms of verbs. [Dhaka Board-2020;Sylhet Board 2020]











Traffic jam is a common affair in big cities of our country. Increasing number of vehicles (a) ---traffic jam. Mainly it (b) --- in the congested areas. Overtaking tendency also (c) ---traffic jam. Some drivers (d) --- the traffic rules and (e) ---carelessly. It (f) ---a lot of pains to the people. Ambulances (g) ---patients cannot (h) --- hospital timely. Students and office-going people also (i) ---due to traffic jam. This problem should be (j) ---immediately.

Answer: (a) create/cause (b) occurs (c) causes /creates (d) violate (e) drive (f) gives (g) carrying (h) reach (i) suffer (j)  solved

SSC Suffix and Prefix 2015/2016/2017 All Board Questions With Answer

                         In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful

             SSC Suffix and Prefix 2015/2016/2017 All Board Questions 

Complete the text adding suffixes, prefixes or the both with the root words 

[Dhaka Board-2015]

The books of famous (a)---(write) are put on sale in the book fair. Most of the (b) ---(visit) buy books of different (c --- (publish). Almost no visitor returns from the fair without making any purchase. The (d)--- (buy) like to buy at a fair price. Our book fair is always (e) ---(crowd). As (f)---(vary) books are (g)---(play) in a fair, the buyers get a scope to choose books. They buy their (h)---choose) books after a long search. This faculty is (i) ---(available) in any place other than a book fair. A book fair is always (j)--- (come) to the students.

Answer: (a) writers (b) visitors (c) publishers (d) buyers (e) crowded (f) various (g) displayed (h) choice-able (i) unavailable (j) welcome

[Rajshahi Board-2015]

Money cannot buy (a)---(happy). Money is a must for our life. But it is not necessary to bring happiness. Happiness is (b)---(absolute) a (c)---(psychology) thing. It is the name of a (d)---(feel). It means the (e)---(content) of the mind. He who has (f)---(satisfy) with what he has is (g) --- (real) a happy one. Above all, we should keep in mind that (h)---(world) happiness is not all. If we want to be (i)---(eternal) happy and lead a (j) ---(dignify) life, we have to earn money in an honest way.

Dec 13, 2022

Completing Sentence all board 2020/ Completing Sentence for SSC Examination


SSC Completing Sentence all board 2020

1. Complete the following sentences. [Dhaka Board-2020]
(a) No sooner had we reached the school than the bell rang.
(b) Unless you study attentively you will fail in the exam.
(c) Scarcely had the party begun when the party stopped.
(d) If I had known his mobile number, I would have called his number.
(e) Work hard provided that you can succeed in life.
2. Complete the following sentences. [Mymensingh Board-2020]
(a) It matters little to me whether I can solve the matter easily.
(b) He pretended as if he had been a mad/ he had known everything.
(c) If I had the wings of a bird, I would fly in the sky.
(d) Take your umbrella lest you should get wet.
(e) Hardly had he started for school when the rain started.

SSC Suffix and Prefix 2019/ 2020 All Board Questions With Answer

             In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful

            SSC Suffix and Prefix 2019/2020 All Board Questions With Answer

[Dhaka Board-2019]

A good student is always (a) ---(mind) of his studies. He is (b) ---(respect) of his (c) ---(teach) and superiors. He never (d) ---(honour) anybody. He is free from (e) ---(behavior) and never rude to his classmates. As he is (f) ---(study), he never wastes his time in vain. He is also sincere and listens to his teachers (g) ---(attentive) so that he can be (h) ---(success) in life. His punctuality and (i) ---(determine) help him to (j) ---(take) and solve any difficult work or job.

Answer: a) mindful; b) respectful; c) teachers; d) dishonours; e) misbehaviour; f) studious; g) attentively; h) successful;  i) determination; j) undertake

[Rajshahi Board-2019]

Bangladesh is a (a) ---(river) and (b) ---(agriculture) country. So, we cannot ignore the (c) ---(important) of rivers. Our agriculture is largely (d) ---(depend) on the rivers. But we get (e) ---(sufficient) water for use from the rivers. There are (f) ---(differ) reasons behind it. At first the water of many rivers (g) ---(dry) up in summer. Again, the water of some rivers is (h) ---(extreme) poisonous. This poisonous water is (i) ---(suit) for our agriculture. So, water pollution should be prevented at any cost for the (j) ---(better) of our agriculture.

Answer: a) Riverine; b) agricultural; c) importance; d) dependent; e) insufficient; f) different; g) dries; h) extremely;  i) unsuitable; j) betterment