Dec 13, 2022

SSC Suffix and Prefix 2019/ 2020 All Board Questions With Answer

             In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful

            SSC Suffix and Prefix 2019/2020 All Board Questions With Answer

[Dhaka Board-2019]

A good student is always (a) ---(mind) of his studies. He is (b) ---(respect) of his (c) ---(teach) and superiors. He never (d) ---(honour) anybody. He is free from (e) ---(behavior) and never rude to his classmates. As he is (f) ---(study), he never wastes his time in vain. He is also sincere and listens to his teachers (g) ---(attentive) so that he can be (h) ---(success) in life. His punctuality and (i) ---(determine) help him to (j) ---(take) and solve any difficult work or job.

Answer: a) mindful; b) respectful; c) teachers; d) dishonours; e) misbehaviour; f) studious; g) attentively; h) successful;  i) determination; j) undertake

[Rajshahi Board-2019]

Bangladesh is a (a) ---(river) and (b) ---(agriculture) country. So, we cannot ignore the (c) ---(important) of rivers. Our agriculture is largely (d) ---(depend) on the rivers. But we get (e) ---(sufficient) water for use from the rivers. There are (f) ---(differ) reasons behind it. At first the water of many rivers (g) ---(dry) up in summer. Again, the water of some rivers is (h) ---(extreme) poisonous. This poisonous water is (i) ---(suit) for our agriculture. So, water pollution should be prevented at any cost for the (j) ---(better) of our agriculture.

Answer: a) Riverine; b) agricultural; c) importance; d) dependent; e) insufficient; f) different; g) dries; h) extremely;  i) unsuitable; j) betterment

[Cumilla Board-2019]

Success in life depends on the proper (a) ---(utilize) of time. Those who waste their (b) --- (value) time in (c) ---(idle), reduce the time of their important work. (d) ---(punctual) is another great virtue of human beings that (e) ---(rich) the (f) ---(man) life. If one takes lesson from the (g) ---(biography) of successful persons, one will learn that they never kept any work (h) ---(do) for the next day. (i) ---(obvious), they were true to their words. So, they got a (j) ---(respect) position in the society.

Answer: a) utilization; b) valuable; c) idleness; d) Punctuality; e) enriches; f) human; g) autobiography; h) undone;  i) obviously; j) respectful

[Dinajpur Board-2019]

In ancient time, textbook was the most (a) ---(resource) thing for the students. Teachers were the only guides and source of information. The students had to collect all the (b) ---(inform) from the lecture of their (c) ---(teach). There was no guidebook or other (d) ---(refer) books in the market. During that period a teacher had to deliver a lecture by (e) ---(study) the textbook. Because of the (f) ---(situate) the students used to depend on the teachers (g) ---(complete). As a result, there was a great (h) --- (relate) between a (i) ---(teach) and a student. Their (j) ---(popular) existed among the students in the society.

 Answer: a) resourceful; b) information; c) teachers; d) reference; e) studying; f) situation; g) completely; h) relationship; i) teacher; j) popularity

 [SSC Exam-2018 All board same question]

People are (a)--- (general) fond of glittering things. They are (b)--- (love) of surface. They are concerned with the (c)--- (out) show of things and beings. They (d)--- (hard) bother about intrinsic value. Gold is a very (e)--- (value) thing. But there are (f)--- (vary) metals in nature that look like gold. They fade soon and become less (g)--- (beauty). So, the surface of anything should not be the key for its (h)--- (measure). We all should be (i)--- (care) about this truth. Otherwise, we will have to be (j)---(repent) long run.

Answer: a) generally: b) lovers; c) outward / outer; d) hardly; e) valuable; f) various; g) beautiful; h) measurement; i) careful; j) repentant.

 [Dhaka Board-2020; Chattogram Board-2015]

Bangladesh is an (a)--- (dependent) country, but she is still burdened with poverty, (b)--- (population), (c)---(employ), corruption, food (d)--- (deficient), natural calamities, power crisis, etc. Considering all these, the present (e)--- (govern) has aimed at making a digital Bangladesh to (f)---(come) most of these problems. The actual aim of (g)--- (digit) Bangladesh is to establish technology-based government which will emphasize the overall (h)--- (develop) of the country and the nation. The country has (i)--- (ready) fixed its target for the (j)--- (achieve) of Digital Bangladesh by 2021.

Answer: a) independent; b) overpopulation; c) unemployment; d) deficiency; e) government; f) overcome; g) digital; h) development; i) already; j) achievement

[Mymensingh Board-2020]

Education is essential for any kind of (a)---(develop). The poor socio-economic condition of our country can be (b) ---(large) attributed to many people’s (c)--- (accessibility) to education. Many (d)---(literate) people do not have any knowledge of health, sanitation and (e) ---(populate) control. It (f) ---(able) us to perform our duties (g)---(proper). Education helps us to adopt a (h)--- (ration) attitude. It provides us with an (i)--- (lightened) awareness about things and this awareness is a (j) ---- (requisite) for social development.

Answer: a) development; b) largely; c) inaccessibility; d) illiterate ; e) population ; f) enables; g) properly; h) rational; i) enlightened; j) prerequisite

[Cumilla Board-2020]

The books of famous (a) ---(write) are put on sale in the book fair. Most of the (b) ---(visit) buy different (c) ---(publish). Almost no visitor returns from the fair without making any purchase. The (d)---(buy) like to buy at a fair price. Our book fair is always (e) ---(crowd). As various books are (g) ---(play) in a fair, the buyers get a scope to choose books. They buy (h) ---(choose) books after a long search. This facility is (i) ---(available) in any place other than a book fair. A book fair is always (j) ---(come) to the students.

Answer: a) writers; b) visitors; c) publishers; d) buyers; e) crowded; f) various; g) displayed; h) choosing; i) unavailable; j) welcoming

[Chattogram Board-2020]

Life without (a) ---(sure) and pleasure is dull. Life becomes (b) ---(charm) if it does not have any time to enjoy the (c) ---(beauty) objects of nature. (d) ---(monotony) work hinders the (e) — (smooth) of work. Leisure (f) ---(new) our spirit to work. Everybody knows that (g) ---(work) is (h) --- (harm) Leisure does not mean (i) ---(averse) to work. It gives freshness and (j) ---(create) to our mind.

Answer: a) Leisure ;  (b) charmless; (c) beautiful; (d) Monotonous; (e) smoothness; (f) renew; (g) over worker; (h) harmful; (i) aversion; (j) recreates/recreation

[Sylhet Board-2020]

King Solomon was (a) --- (fame) for his (b) --- (wise). He was blessed with (c) ---(ordinary) knowledge and it was really beyond people’s (d) ---(imagine). One day, the Queen of Sheba wanted to test how wise he was. Solomon was given two kinds of flowers. One was (e) ---(nature) and the other was (f) ---(artifice). As he had a close (g) ---(associate) with nature, he had been (h) ---(success) to differentiate them.  In this way, his (i) ---(repute) of (j) --- (multidimension) knowledge spread all over the world.

Answer: a) famous ;  (b) wisdom; (c) extraordinary; (d) imagination; (e) natural; (f) artificial; (g) association; (h) successful; (i) reputation; (j) multidimensional

[Barishal Board-2020]

Mobile phone is a great (a) ---(invent) of modern science. The (b) ---(consume) of mobile phone are increasing day by day. People are getting benefits. But it is (c) ---(fortunate) that mobile phone sometimes (d) ---(comes) a cause of health hazard, especially the (e) ---(child) are affected much, According to the (f) ---(science) mobile phone causes brain tumours, genetic damage and many other (g) ---(cure) diseases. They believe that (h) ---(visible) uncontrolled radioactivity of mobile phone causes (i) ---(repairable) damage to human body. They say that the (j) ---(govern) should control radioactive sources.

Answer: a) invention;  (b) consumers; (c) unfortunate; (d) becomes; (e) children; (f) scientists; (g) incurable; (h) invisible; (i) irreparable; (j) government.

[Jashore Board-2020]

(a)---(persevere) is needed to be (b) ---(success) in life. Those who do not persevere in life become (c)---(success) in their mission and only blame their lot for their (d)  ---(fortune). (e)---(Persevere) people always become successful. (f) ---(sincere) is another important virtue which (g)  ---(able) a person to accomplish a job (h)---(fruit). Student life is the (i)  ---(form) period of a man’s life. One should not (j)---(use) this period of life.

Answer: a) perseverance; b) successful; c) unsuccessful; d) misfortune; e) Persevering; f) sincerity; g) enables; h) fruitfully;  i) formation; j) misuse.

[Rajshahi Board-2020]

A (a)--- (west) survey was conducted in this (b)--- (quest), "Are social (c)--- (work)  making us social?" The participants are mainly the (d)--- (net) users of the west. 81% opined (e)--- (affirm). One commented that (f) (smart) detach you from your family and (g)--- (company) in exchange of an addition to fun. Another comment was that many (h)--- (virtue) relations are maintained at time and so they (i)--- (hard) become deep and reliable. Another remarkable comment was that direct (j)--- (action) has no alternative for a safe relation.

Answer: a) western;  (b) question; (c) workers; (d) internet; (e) affirmatively; (f) smartphones; (g) companion; (h) virtual; (i) hardly; (j) interaction                

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