Dec 13, 2016

City Life and Village Life- Paragraph* Free hand writing* Advantages of city life & village life

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the Most  Merciful

City Life and Village Life

It has been heard for ages that the lifestyle varies between a city and village. Village life is really dissimilar from city life. Firstly, town life is a life of lavishness and plenty where village life is simple and ordinary. Secondly, town life is a busy, aggressive and noisy life. Buses, trucks, cars and other vehicles always ply on and the industries make lot of sound. On the other hand village life is quiet and peaceful. The village has clean air and the environment is very beautiful. The village has less noise and rush. The village has not lot of vehicles.  There are air pollution, water pollution and sound pollution in the city. But the village life is free from all the pollution. They can get fresh vegetables and fresh fruits. The environment of the village is pleasant and silent and it has scenic beauty. City life offers greater modern facilities of life. In the city schools, madrashas and colleges offer better standard of education. There are Universities and Medical College in cities. There are scopes for trade, and commerce in cities. So the standard of life in a city is advanced than in a village. So we can say that there is a great difference in the lifestyle among people living in villages and cities.

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