Apr 3, 2018

Right form of verbs- Uses the correct form of verbs * Grammar Exercises

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful

1. I ------- (know) Abdulla's house last year.
2. The farmer ----- (grow) rice last year.
3. He ----- (feel) happy yesterday.
4. My mother ----- (cook) food yesterday.
5. The gardener ---- (cut) the trees last month.
6. She ----- noodles every Monday. (eat)
7. They ----English well. (speak)
8. The baby-------every night. (cry)
9. I …...... at school yesterday.(be)
10. They ...... in the classroom now.(be)
11. I have just ------- (cut) my finger.
12. Have you ------------ (drive) a car before?
13. I have recently ------------- (buy) a car.
14. Have not you --------------- (find) him yet.
15. Has Jessica ------------------- (take) the pen?
16. I have already -------------- (finish) my work.
17. The earth ---------------(move) round the sun.
18. The sun -----------(set) in the west.
19. He -----------(take) tea every morning.
20. The train ---------(leave) at 7.00 am everyday.

Answers: knew, grew, felt, cooked,cut,eats, speak, cries, was, are, cut, driven, bought, found, taken, finished, moves, sets, takes, leaves

লোকেরা কি একথা মনে করে নিয়েছে যে, ‘আমরা ঈমান এনেছিএকথা বললেই তাদেরকে ছেড়ে দেয়া হবে এবং তাদেরকে আর পরীক্ষা করা হবে না? অথচ এদের আগে যারা অতিক্রান্ত হয়েছে তাদের সবাইকে আমি পরীক্ষা করেছি। আল্লাহকে অবশ্যই দেখতে হবে (ঈমানের দাবিতে) কে সত্যবাদী এবং কে মিথ্যাবাদী” (সূরা-২৯ আলআনকাবুত:-)

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