Aug 27, 2020

English sample question for class Five- Seen passage-2020 * English for Today class 5

       In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful

                                Practice sheet-01

                               Class- Five (Seen passage) 

Time- 1 hour                                                                    Marks-50

Read the given text and answer the following questions:

Raju is firefighter. Long time ago, when he was in class five, there was a fire in his school building. Everyone was very afraid but no one panicked.

The teachers helped the students to leave the building quietly and safely. But soon a fire brigade came and put our fire. Raju watched the firefighters from the school yard.  Raju could not forget this for many days. He thought about the fire and firefighters for a long time. After college, he joined a volunteer fire department. As a volunteer he didn’t get any money. But he didn’t mind. Now, he is a full- time firefighter. His main job is putting out fires. In his free time, Raju likes to visit schools. He talks to students about fire safety.  He tells students what to do if there is a fire. They shouldn’t panic. They should listen to their teachers and leave the building quietly.

1. Write true or false:                                                                       10            a)    Raju is a student.

b)    The teachers did not help the students to leave the building.

c)     Raju watched the firefighters from the school building.

d)    Raju likes to visit schools.

e)     Raju  forgot this for many days.

f)       He talks to students about health.

g)    After college, he joined a volunteer fire department.

h)    His main job is putting out fires.

i)      He thought about the fire and firefighters for a short time.

j)      He tells students what to do if there is a fire.

2. Answer the following questions.                                       2x10=20  

      a)    Who is a fire fighter?

b)    What did Raju do after finishing HSC?

c)     What is Raju’s main job?

d)    What does he speak about?

e)     When was there a fire in Raju’s school?

f)       What should a person be to become a firefighter?

g)    What does Raju like to do in his free time?

h)    What are the duties of a fire fighter?

i)       Who does he train?

j)       When did Raju read in class five?

3. Match the words in column A with their similar meaning in column B.      10                                                                           

Column A

Column B

a)   Firefighter

b)   Building

c)    Panicked

d)   Fire brigade

e)    Volunteer

f)      Ago

g)   Brave

h)   Prevent

i)      Teach

j)      Main

i) anxious about something

ii)  structure with a roof and walls.

iii) person who does a job without being paid for it.

iv) a sudden feelings and a great fear

v) to help someone

vi) person whose job is to put out fires

vii) an organization of people who are trained and employed to put out fires and to rescue people from fires.


viii) before


ix) courage


x) stop


xi) train


xii)  chief

4. Write a short composition about ‘A firefighter’.                   10

***হে ঈমানদাগণ! তোমরা নিজেদের গৃহ ছাড়া অন্যের গৃহে প্রবেশ করো না যতক্ষণ না গৃহবাসীদের সম্মতি লাভ করো এবং তাদেরকে সালাম করো ৷ এটিই তোমাদের জন্য ভালো পদ্ধতি, আশা করা যায় তোমরা এদিকে নজর রাখবে । (সূরা আন-নূর-২৭)