Oct 14, 2020

Articles Exercise - Uses of A, An & The * 200 Examples with Answers

 In the name of Allah, The Most Beneficent and The Most Merciful


Articles Exercise with Answers

Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles

01.   I read ________holy Quran daily. (the)

02.   My father is ______ B. A. (a)

03.   Many _______ man was present in the meeting yesterday. (a)

04.   He is _______ honours graduate. (an)

05.   Abid is ______ M. B. B. S doctor. (an)

06.   Farhan is ______ M. Com. (an)

07.   You should always speak _____ truth. (the)

08.   Never tell ______ lie. (a)

09.   The cow is ______ useful animal. (a)

10.   You should not make ______ noise in the classroom. (a)

11.   He went ______ hunting. (a)

12.   He went for _____ walk. (a)

13.   Please give me Taka eight and _____ half. (a)

14.   The game has come to _____ end. (an)

15.   The feast has come to _____ close. (a)

16.   Dhaka stands on ______ Buriganga river. (the)

17.   _____ English can speak English well. (The)

18.   Milk is ________ ideal food. (an)

19.   This is _____ fact. (a)

20.   I saw _____ one eyed man on the way. (a)

21.   This is _____ urgent letter. (an)

22.   Mr. Smith is _____ European. (a)

23.   He took _____ short sleep. (a)

24.   Faiha Mim is ________ intelligent girl. (an)

25.   The vacation has come to _____ end. (an)

26.   I have ______ great deal of work to do. (a)

27.   Raihan has spent _____ lot of money. (a)

28.   He is _____ hero. (a)

29.   You are _____ coward. (a)

30.   ________ Tajmahal looks beautiful. (The)

31.   You are _____ fool. (a)

32.   Mr. Mahbub is ______ L. L. B. (an)

33.   The brick hit him on _____ face. (the)

34.   He seems to be _____ idiot. (an)

35.   He speaks English like _____ English. (the)

36.   Let us enjoy _____ one act play. (a)

37.   Narayangonj is _____ Dundee of Bangladesh. (the)

38.   ______ Virtuous are happy. (The)

39.   You are _____ Nazrul, I see. (a)

40.   He caught me by _____ neck. (the)

41.   ______ Andamans lie in the Indian Ocean. (The)

42.   ______ men of this village are poor. (The)

43.   ______ girl in blue eyes is my sister. (The)

44.   Let us make the programme ______ success. (a)

45.   Malaria is ______ tropical disease. (a)

46.   ______ poor are born to suffer. (The)

47.   ______ future is not known to anyone. (The)

48.   ______ kindness of Mohsin is known to all. (The)

49.   What sort of ______ man is he ? (a)

50.   ______ English Channel is famous. (The)

51.   ________ sky is blue. (The)

52.   ______ Bangladeshis are proud of their glorious past. (The)

53.   He is ________ best boy in the class. (the)

54.   He is ________ honourable man. (an)

55.   Shahjahan built ______ Tajmahal. (the)

56.   You are in ______ wrong. (the)

57.   He reads ______ Khabar. (The)

58.   Why do you go ______ begging ? (a)

59.   It is ________ used stamp. (a)

60.   We shall not give anybody ______ inch of land. (an)

61.   The sun rises in ________ east. (the)

62.   ________ Poor are helpless. (The)

63.   ________ industrious shine in life. (The)

64.   Allah helps ________ humble people. (the)

65.   ________ barking dog seldom bites. (A)

66.   ________ book that he gave me is lost. (The)

67.   Three feet make ________ yard. (a)

68.   He has ________ upper hand in the affairs. (an)

69.   Shefa is ________ ever smiling girl. (an)

70.   ________ Sun sets in west. (The)

71.   It is ________ X-ray machine. (an)

72.   A. K. Fazlul Haq joined ________ bar in Kolkata. (the)

73.   Even ________ mouse can help ________ lion. (a, a)

74.   Malaria is caused by ________ species of mosquito. (a)

75.   She ate ________ apple. (an)

76.   ________ rice of Barisal is fine. (The)

77.   We have ________ University in Dhaka. (a)

78.   ________ sooner, ________ better. (The, the)

79.   ________ rose smells sweet. (The)

80.   This copy is exact to ________ letter. (the)

81.   Litre is ________ unit. (a)

82.   The Universe is ________ handiwork of Allah. (the)

83.   I have never seen such ________ bad boy. (a)

84.   Of the two things buy ________ less costly one. (the)

85.   He lent me one copy of ________ holy Quran. (the)

86.   My mother reads ________ Quran every morning. (the)

87.   ________ pen is mighter than the sword. (The)

88.   Rice sells twenty taka ________ K. G. (a)

89.   The workers are paid by ________ hour. (an)

90.   I read ________ Ittefaq. (the)

91.   ________ Meghna is a big river. (The)

92.   The child is father of ________ man. (the)

93.   It is fun to run ________ race. (a)

94.   Ours is ________ ten members family. (a)

95.   You should check ________ beast in you. (the)

96.   ________ son should obey his father. (A)

97.   ________ French Revolution took place in 1789. AD. (The)

98.   ________ Chittagong Mail leaves at 7. p.m. (The)

99.   She seems to have ________ great many books. (a)

100. ________ gold of Mysore is pure. (The)

101. Tutul opened ________ S. B. Account with the bank. (an)

102. He is ________ honourable man. (an)

103. Please wait for ________ hour. (an)

104. ________ father in him rose. (The)

105. You are always in ________ temper. (a)

106. Ferdosi is ________ Homer in Asia. (the)

107. I am ________ regular subscriber of ________ New Age. (The, the)

108. I have seen ________ ewe. (a)

109. ________ Akbar is not born in all ages. (An)

110. ________ rich should feel for ________ poor. (The, the)

111. Is this ________ book I gave you ? (the)

112. He gave me ________ book I gave you ? (the)

113. Who is ________ girl that came here yesterday ? (the)

114. She lost ________ few books he had. (the)

115. It was ________ unique game. (a)

116. ________ mother in her rose. (The)

117. ________ gold of this ring is pure. (The)

118. It is too difficult ________ book for me. (a)

119. You are ________ unwise lady. (an)

120. This is ________ usage of the day. (a)

121. She has ________ upper hand in the affairs. (an)

122. He is ________ S. D. E. O. (an)

123. Do not leap in ________ dark. (the)

124. ________ Mr. Khan is asking to see you. (A)

125. Shylock, the Jew was ________ red blue pencil. (a)

126. My mother gave me ________ red blue pencil. (a)

127. This copy is exact to ________ letter. (the)

128. Yours is ________ unkind return. (an)

129. ________ Bay of Bengal is dangerous. (The)

130. Aboni is ________ most intelligent girl in ________ class. (the, the)

131. The students are going to ________ school. (no article)

132. Fortune be friends ________ bold. (the)

133. Guava is ________ apple of Bangladesh. (the)

134. ________ honesty of the girl is known to all. (The)

135. ________ water is life. (no article)

136. ________ baby cannot walk. (The)

137. ________ good many men were present in the function. (A)

138. ________ more you think, ________ are you know. (The, the)

139. I like ________ yellow of ________ egg. (the, the)

140. Everybody should check ________ beast in him. (the)

141. A. K. Fazlul Huq was ________ Burke of Bangladesh. (the)

142. He entered ________ army. (the)

143. Hard is the responsibility of ________ press. (the)

144. He is ________ member of ________ Scheduled Caste. (a, the)

175. ________ Bangladeshi are brave. (The)

146. ________ Shahnama is a famous book. (The)

147. Sri Lanka is ________ island. (an)

148. Mount Everest is ________ highest peak in the work. (the)

149. ________ Atlantic is ________ busiest peak in the world. (the)

150. The top of ________ Himalayas is covered. (the)

151. Akbar, ________ great, was a human ruler. (the)

152. George ________ sixth was the king of England. (the)

153. ________ Great Bear consists of seven stars. (The)

154. ________ Deccan is a plateau. (The)

155. He is ________ M. P. (an)

156. Girls, you are ________ future mothers. (the)

157. Hatiya is ________ island. (an)

158. Caspian is ________ largest lake in the world. (the)

159. ________ Baikal is a fresh water lake. (The)

160. ________ Straits of Gibraltar separate Africa from Europe. (The)

161. ________ Pubjab is a land of five rivers. (The)


162. ________ United States of America is a powerful country. (The)

163. Many Bangladeshi live in ________ United Kingdom. (the)

164. You may have read the story of ________ Iliad. (the)

165. I know the name of the author of ________ Ramayana. (the)

166. ________ Pope live on the Vatican hill. (The)

167. I read ________ Quran everyday. (The)

168. We met ________ European in the school. (a)

169. He bought ________ book. (a)

170. Mr. Rahman is ________ M. A. (an)

171. The begger is ________ one-eyed man. (a)

172. My father is ________ L.L.B. (an)

173. They went out for ________ walk. (a)

174. ________ battle of Plassey is ________ historical event. (The, the)

175. Dhaka stands on ________ Buriganga. (the)

176. Always speaks ________ truth. (the)

177. The old man has ________ umbrella. (an)

178. ________ French defeated the Germans. (The)

179. You are ________ fool to say that. (a)

180. ________ cup of tea. (A)

181. The guide knows ________ way. (the)

182. ________ lion is ________ king of beasts. (The, the)

183. ________ moon looks nice. (The)

184. This is ________ apple. (an)

185. Bengali is ________ easy subject. (an)

186. God helps ________ weak. (the)

187. The sun rises in ________ east. (the)

188. It was ________ unique game. (a)

189. I want ________ one-taka note. (a)

190. My brother reads ________ Sagbad. (the)

191. Birds fly in ________ sky. (the)

192. Do not tell ________ lie. (a)

193. ________ earth is round. (The)

194. My brother is ________ university student. (a)

195. Mr. Jalal is ________ honest man. (an)

196. Setu has ________ ewe. (a)

197. A needle is ________ useful things. (a)

198. ________ U. K. is famous. (The)

199. ________ rich are not always happy. (The)

200. I saw ________ one-leged man. (a)

*হে ঈমানদারগণ! তোমরা নিজেদেরকে এবং তোমাদের পরিবার-পরিজনকে সেই জাহান্নামের আগুন থেকে রক্ষা করো, যার ইন্ধন হবে মানুষ ও প্রস্তর, যাতে নিয়োজিত আছে পাষাণ হৃদয়, কঠোরস্বভাবের ফেরেশতাগণ। তারা আল্লাহ তাআলা যা আদেশ করেন, তা অমান্য করে না এবং যা করতে আদেশ করা হয়, তাই করে। (সূরা আত-তাহরীম-০৬)

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