Dec 6, 2020

I Have Visited A Railway Station And / Or Bus Station Their Similarities Or Differences

 In the name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Most Beneficent  

I Have Visited A Railway Station And / Or Bus Station Their Similarities Or Differences

I have visited both railway station and bus station so many times. Most of the people some time or many times go there for many reasons. Actually, railway station and bus station are an integral part of communication system of a country.

They are the most well-known places for all. Certainly there are some similarities and dissimilarities between a railway station and a bus station.The similarity between these two is that people use both for traveling from one place to another. In the bus station or railway station, the bus or train waits for the passengers to get on or get down. Both these places are crowed and noisy. The dissimilarity between these two is that a bus station is for buses and a railway station is for trains. A rail station has platform but a bus station has no platform. People from different places come here for different purposes.

 First time I went to a bus stand with my father. We went there to receive my uncle who had come to visit us. And first time I went to a railway station to go my aunt’s house. That time I was with my father and mother. My father told me a lot of things about the railway station. Both the stations I saw there were many hawkers and small shop keepers selling newspapers, boiled eggs, breads, tea, biscuits and so on. Generally both the places are crowded and dirty. Actually a railway station and a bus station are closely related to our tradition and play an important role in our socio-economic developments.

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