Jun 11, 2021

A dialogue between a doctor and a patient about physical problem

 In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent

· A dialogue between a doctor and a patient about physical problem

 Patient: Good evening, doctor. May I come in?

Doctor: Good evening. Yes, sure

Patient: Will you spend some time for me?

Doctor: Of course, it’s my duty. So tell me what’s your problem?

Patient: My examination is very near at hand. I can’t work hard because I’ve

             been suffering from difficult problems.       

Doctor: What are they?

Patient: I have been suffering from indigestion and weakness.

Doctor: Do you keep late hours at night?

Patient: Yes, I study more at night.

Doctor: Do you have any tension?

Patient: Yes, I am anxious of my examination.

Doctor: Please lie down on the bed. I’ll check you all through.

Patient: Check me well, sir, I’m really frustrated.

Doctor: Don’t worry.

Patient: Anything serious, doctor?

Doctor: No. You’re quite O.K. Take rest for seven days. Don’t keep late

            hours at night and take regular exercise.    

Patient: Is there anything more?

Doctor: Yes. You have to take medicines as per written In the

              prescription. You’ll be alright.

Patient: Thank you very much doctor.

Doctor: You’re most welcome.


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