Jun 11, 2021

A dialogue about aim in life.

 In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent

A dialogue between myself and my friend about aim in life.

Naeem : Good morning, Zihad. How are you?

Myself : Good morning. I’m quite well. What about you?

Naeem : I’m also fine. I’m very glad at your brilliant result in the JSC examination.

      Now what is your future plan/ aim in life?

Myself : After completing  SSC and HSC with a brilliant result I shall seek admission

               into a reputable university to complete B.Sc degree in Computer Engineering.

 Naeem: Why do you want to be an IT professional?

Myself : I’ve always cherished an intense desire in my mind for becoming a computer  

               engineer. Moreover, in the context of our country I think I can offer a great                       service to the country becoming a computer Engineer.                  

 Naeem : Why do you think so?

Myself : We see the touch of technology in every sphere of our life but our country is

not technologically developed. In this case skilled IT professionals can contribute a lot to make our country technologically developed by using their wisdom and merit.

 Naeem : You are absolutely right. Is it considered to be a lucrative job?

Myself : Yes, of course. Computing has much demand in the job market home and                        abroad. Nowadays it is also considered as a prestigious job throughout the                        world.

Naeem : Which sectors are computer engineers required?

Myself : Computer engineers are needed in almost  every sector of jobs such as big                        industries, modern banking system, IT firms, mobile phone companies, multi-                    national companies and so on.

 Naeem : How will you make yourself competent in this profession?

Myself : First of all, I shall manage myself to get a suitable job or  start an individual

              business. Then to develop my skills in this field I will go abroad for higher                        studies.    

 Naeem : That’s very good.  So, you have thought over the matter seriously..

Myself : Yes, I’ve. Oh! Sorry, I’ve forget to ask you about your aim in life.

 Naeem : I’ve already made up my mind to study law. I’ll join politics after completing               my studies. I wish to serve my countryman by driving away restless politics.

Myself : The choice of your career is very good.

Naeem : Sorry, I’ve to go because I’ve some important work. Bye.

Myself : Bye.

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