Jun 11, 2021

A dialogue between two friends about physical exercise

 In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful

“A dialogue between two friends about physical exercise”

Majid: Hello, Ratul. How are you?

Ratul: Fine, thanks. Why do you look pale and frail?

Majid: Well, I have not been feeling well for the past few days.

Ratul: I think you are not in the habit of taking physical exercise.

Majid: Exactly.

Ratul: But you should take physical exercise without any delay.

Majid: Really? Will it improve my health?

Ratul: Of course. The benefits of physical exercise are several. The greatest of them is that exercise keeps us fit, it gives us energy and makes us cheerful.

Majid: What are the good forms of exercise?

Ratul: Swimming, walking, running, rowing and riding are the good forms of exercise.

Majid: What about playing football, cricket, handball, badminton and so on.

Ratul: Yes, they are also nice.

Majid: Well I understand that physical exercise helps us to make a sound health.

Ratul: Yes it also helps us to have a nice appetite and good digestion.

Majid: But there are many people who do not take physical exercise.

Ratul: You are right. Most of the cases they fall victim to many diseases like diabetes, heart disease and hyper-tension.

Majid: Now I realize. I will make it a point to do physical exercise regularly.

Ratul: I guess, you should take initiative to start this form now on word.

Majid: I am really encouraged to develop the habit of doing physical exercise. Many thanks.

Ratul: You are most welcome.

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