Aug 31, 2021

A School Library- Paragraph

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent

A School Library

A library generally indicates a well-furnished compartment adorned with various types of books, documents, CDs etc. to peruse or borrow. It is undoubtedly a store house of knowledge. A library satisfies our eternal desire for knowledge of the unknown and the unseen. No school is complete without a library. Every school must have a library. A school library is usually enriched with almost all sorts of reference books which are mostly required for the students. Besides this, it also supports other kinds of books which are helpful for motivating the young learners and building their good character.  In every school library, there is a librarian who is in charge of it. He/she delivers the books according to the choice of the students. There may be one or two assistants of the librarian who help the students to find the books in accordance with the catalogues and keep it neat and clean. There are enough chairs and tables for the students who visit it for going through the books. A student can read books as many as he/she likes. Library cards are issued to the students. For borrowing books form the school library, students have to show the library card. They can keep the borrowed books only for a certain period of time. Later on, they have to take them back to the library. Usually not more than two books are issued to a student at a time. Nowadays, there are some reputable schools in cities of our country where libraries are provided with online facilities in order to keep the students in touch with the prominent libraries of the world. Thus a school library is quenching the thrust of the students and playing a vital role in the realm of the knowledge. We are also proud of having a well-equipped library in our school which has a good collection of books including other modern facilities.   

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