Aug 31, 2021

A Street Accident- Paragraph

 In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent

  A Street Accident

 A street accident indicates an accident that takes place on the road unexpectedly with the help of vehicles causing injury, wound and sometimes loss of life. It may happen by the collusion of two vehicles coming from opposite directions. Street accidents are so common these days. 

Street accident can cause massive damage and injure somebody seriously. Sometimes it snatches away somebody from us forever. I think most often accidents occur for careless driving, brake failure of vehicles, overtaking of one vehicle by another, driving by unskilled and untrained so-called drivers. Over loading of vehicles and violation of traffic rules are other reasons. Almost everyday we find the news of many road accidents in newspapers. Last month I witnessed an awful street accident before my eyes. At that time I was very close to the spot of the accident. A young girl was crossing the busy road near the New Market and just at that time a bus was coming at a great speed. The ill-fated girl noticed it but before she could go to the other side of the road, she was run over by the bus. The girl was immediately rushed to the Dhaka Medical College Hospital. There, the doctors declared her dead. It was the first accident I have ever experienced in my life. So, I was greatly shocked at this tragic scene. I could not sleep at all that night. Still the memory haunts me. I think public awareness, following traffic rules, well-planned roads and concerted efforts of government along with concerned organizations can minimize the street accident. Moreover, drivers should be well-trained and make them conscious of driving safely. 

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