Jul 18, 2022

A message of condolence * E-mail writing

      In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful

From     :< saba@gmail.com>
To         : <amina@gmail.com>
Sent      : Thursday, 18 July 2022; 3:00 pm
 Subject:   A message of condolence

Dear Amina,

At first take my greatest love and affection. How is your mother? A few hours back I heard very sad news about you.

It shocked me profoundly when I heard the heartbreaking news of your father’s death. It came to me like a bolt from the blue. I cannot even imagine now that your father is no longer among us. He was a truthful, co-operative and honourable person. He possessed all the outstanding qualities. Whenever I close my eyes, his beloved face appears before me. He loved me as his own son. To me it’s a great loss. I find no words adequate to console you in such a situation. This is our irony of fate that he died an unexpected premature death. His death reminds us once again that none can escape death and can undo the decree of Allah. What I can say is that you must not break down at this irreparable loss. His death has devolved upon you greater responsibilities. Don’t be impatient and burst into tears any minute. Hence try to tackle the situation depending upon the will of Almighty Allah.

I pray that Allah will give you courage and fortitude to bear this irrecoverable loss and again give him rest in eternal peace. Write to me soon please.

Lovingly yours, 


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