Jun 20, 2022

Narration/ Speech Exercise (Imperative Sentence)

 In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful

Change the following sentence into indirect speech:

1.    The teacher said to the boys, “Do not make a noise.

2.    The boy said to his friend, “Please lend me your book.”

3.    The son said to his father," Please do not go to office today.

4.    The teacher said to him," Do not waste your time."

5.    She said to me, “Let us go out for a picnic.”

6.    He said to his wife, “Let us go for shopping.”

7.    He said to them," Let us not quarrel with each other."

8.    The old man said to the boys, “Please do not disturb me.”

9.    The host said to the guests, "Please do not stand on ceremony."

10.            He said to the peon, “Let the boys come in.”

11.            The host said to the boy, “Let the guests start their dinner.”

12.            He said to me, "Give me a cup of tea."

13.            The teacher said to the boys, "Study regularly to make good in the exam."

14.            He said to me, "Come to me."

15.            Imran said to his friends, "Let's make a garden in our school campus."

16.            He said to me, "Let me go home."

17.            I said, "Let him do the work."

18.           The tired man said to the host, “Please give me a glass of water.”

19.           Father said to the boy, “Think carefully before you act.”

20.           The boy said, “Let me speak freely.”

21.           The teacher said to me, “Don’t come here.”

22.           The Teacher said to me, "Sit in your class and learn your lesson."

23.           He said, "Work hard, friends."

24.           He said to Yousuf, "Kindly help me."

25.           He said to me, "Please wait here till I return."

26.            I said to him, ‘Love and obey your parents.’

27.           He said to me, ‘Post this letter at once.’

28.           He said, ‘Let’s take him to the doctor.’

29.           Father said to his son. “Learn to be honest from your boyhood.”

30.           My brother said to me, “Go to school now or you will be punished.”

***হে ঈমানদারগণ! আল্লাহকে যেমন ভয় করা উচিৎ ঠিক তেমনিভাবে ভয় করতে থাক। এবং অবশ্যই মুসলমান না হয়ে মৃত্যুবরণ করো না।(সূরা আলে-ইমরান-১০২)

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