Apr 18, 2023

How to improve English Vocabulary

  In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful

English is an international language. No one can prosper in life without learning it. But learning English is not easy. We should learn it very carefully. Learning vocabulary is a big part of learning a language. The more English words we learn, the better we can communicate our needs, ideas, thoughts and feelings to other people in English. If we want to learn English and improve vocabulary we need to do certain things. Here are five tips how I can improve vocabulary in English.

1)    Developing  reading habit:

Vocabulary building is easiest when we encounter words in context. Seeing words appear in a novel or a newspaper article can be far more helpful than seeing them appear on vocabulary lists. So we need to have a reading habit to improve vocabulary in English.

2)    Using the dictionary and thesaurus:

Online dictionaries and thesauruses are helpful resources if we use it properly. They can help memory about synonyms that would actually be better words in the context. A full dictionary definition can also educate us about antonyms, root words, and related words which is another way to learn vocabulary.

3) Writing down new words:

It's a really good to write down useful new vocabulary. The act of writing the words helps us remember them better.

4) Revising new vocabulary regularly:

We have to revise new words list again and again and we should check frequently whether we can remember the new words or not.

5) Practice using new words in conversation:

It’s possible to collect a huge vocabulary without actually knowing how to use words. If you come across an interesting word in our reading we should make a point of using it in our daily conversation which will help us to remember vocabulary.

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