Jun 21, 2023

A dialogue about air pollution * A dialogue between two friends about air pollution

 A dialogue between two friends about air pollution

Ratul: Hello, Majid. How are you?

Majid: Fine, thanks and you?

Ratul: I am fine. What are you reading?

Majid: I am reading an article on air pollution.

Ratul: Well, it is a burning topic nowadays. I have a little knowledge regarding this. I think you know a lot about air pollution. Would you please tell me what does air pollution mean?

Majid: Air pollution means the way in which air is polluted.

Ratul: How is air polluted?

Majid: Air is polluted in many ways. And smoke is the major pollutant of air. Railway engines, buses, trucks and cars use petrol and diesel, oil all these things create smoke and cause air pollution.

Ratul: I think over population is another cause of air pollution in our country.

Majid: Yes, you are right. Smoking is causes of air pollution.

Ratul: Where does serious air pollution occur?

Majid: Generally serious air pollution occurs in big cities where mills, factories, power of houses, motor vehicles, railway engines, burnt coal and oil produce carbon-mono-oxide and play a great role for creating air pollution.

Ratul: Actually nature has lost its balance as trees are not enough now.

Majid: Exactly. By inhaling polluted air we suffer from different types of diseases.

Ratul: What type of diseases may it cause?

Majid: It may cause cancer, bronchitis, asthma, heart attack and so on.

Ratul: How can we get rid of air pollution?

Majid: To resist air pollution the destruction of trees must be prevented. Besides we should set up industry and brick field outside the main cities. Above all by raising public awareness, air pollution can be checked.

Ratul: I have come to learn many things from you. Thank you very much.

Majid: You are most welcome.

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