Jun 21, 2023

A dialogue about food habit of the people of the world * A dialogue between two friends about food habit of the people of the world


“A dialogue between two friends about food habit of the people of the world”

Majid: How are you, Ratul?

Ratul: I am fine, and you?

Majid: I am also fine.

Ratul: What are you doing now?

Majid: I am reading a book on the food habits of the people all over the world.

Ratul: Well, why do the food habits differ from people to people?

Majid: It differs mainly because of geographical location.

Ratul: Yes, people eat usually what they can grow or afford easily.

Majid: I think so, because people in the sea-coast countries mainly eat food and fish.

Ratul: That’s why the people of Pacific Ocean eat tara-root, bread, fruits and vegetables.

Majid: They also eat a lot of limes, coconuts, bananas and pine-apples.

Ratul: Not only the Indians of Central America eat mostly fruits and vegetables.

Majid: The Eskimos eat a lot of row fish.

Ratul: Thus the food habit depends mainly on climate condition of a country.

Majid: Thanks for your valuable discussion on food habits of people.

Ratul: You are most welcome.

Majid: Bye then.

Ratul: Goodbye.

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