Jun 26, 2023

My School Library * Paragraph on My School Library


My School Library

A library generally indicates a well-furnished compartment adorned with various types of books, documents, CDs etc. to peruse or borrow. It is undoubtedly a store house of knowledge. A library satisfies our eternal desire for knowledge of the unknown and the unseen. A library plays an important role in the realm of knowledge.

It is part and parcel of a school.  My beloved school has a big library. It is adjacent to the teachers’ room.  It is forty feet long and thirty feet wide. The library has a good collection. There are many shelves consisting of various sorts of books in our school library. Books of famous writers are displayed on the shelves through catalogues at the back of the books. There is a librarian who is in charge of it. He delivers the books according to the choice of the students. The librarian has some assistants as well. The assistants help the students to find the books in accordance with the catalogues and keep the library neat and clean. There are enough chairs and tables in our library for the students who visit it for going through the books. We are issued library cards. We can also borrow books from the library. We are to return the borrowed books within two weeks. In the library Silence is a must. Nobody is allowed to make noise.  Actually, it is quenching the thirst of knowledge of the students. So I am proud of having such an enriched school library.

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