Mar 5, 2024

A dialogue about hobbies #Dialogue on favourite hobbies #hobbies


·        A dialogue between Roni and Asif about their hobbies

 Roni : Good morning, Asif.

Asif  : Good morning, Roni.

Roni : How are you?

Asif  : I’m quite well. What about you?

Roni : Me too. What are you doing at this hour?

Asif  : I’m writing a composition on “My hobby”.

Roni : Good. A man must have a hobby for a sound mind and sound body. So what’s

           your hobby?

Asif  : I agree with you. My hobby is reading books.

Roni : It’s really a nice hobby. Do you know what does hobby means?

Asif  : Yes. I know. Hobby means pastime or any of the form of amusement or

           recreational activities which becomes one’s major pursuit during one’s leisure hours.

Roni : What kind of books do you read?

Asif  : I reads various kinds of books like novels, history etc and various kinds of magazine

           but captivated most with the novels.

Roni : Why reading is your favorite hobby?

Asif  :  Because reading novel seems to open my inner eyes and make me introduced with

           the surrounding in which we live.

Roni : Do you read both Bengali and English literature? How many novels have you


Asif  : Yes, I read both of them. I have finished almost all the novels of Rabindranath,

           Sharatchandra, Bibhutivushan, Manik Bondopadhay and many other writers of

           Bangla literature. I’ve finished almost all the dramas of Shakespeare and also

           Gulliver’s travels, Great Expectations, Pride and Prejudice, Robinson Crusoe.

Roni : Don’t you read any poems?

Asif  : I also have weakness for poetry. I like the poems of Jibonanddash most. Sorry, I

          forgot to asked you about your hobby. What’s your hobby?

Roni : My hobby is fishing. It gives me as pleasure as your hobby. I have to go now. Bye.

Asif  : Bye. See you later.        

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