Mar 5, 2024

A dialogue about load-shedding/power-cut # Dialogue on load-shedding #Dialogue on power cut


A dialogue between Frank and Myself about load-shedding/power-cut

 Frank : Hello, Tony. Why do you look so gloomy and dull?

Myself : Oh, last night I could not read at all. You know tomorrow is our

                English exam.

Frank  : Could you please tell me the reason behind this?

Myself : Last night there was no electricity in our locality.

Frank  : Same is the case in our area. Everyday load-shedding occurs at least

              twice or thrice a day and each term it lasts at least two or three hours.

Myself : Load-shedding is surely causing much harm to the JSC examinees.

Frank  : Everybody knows about the importance of night before the                                    examination. We have to revise our prepared answers that night. 

            Think about the sufferings of the candidates if electricity goes frequently.

Myself : It has really become a menace. I am extremely disappointed. Now 

          every minute is precious for us but frequent power cut-offs are killing our             valuable time.

Frank : Not only this, load-shedding also intercepts our production in mills 

           and factories, social order suffers a lot and domestic life becomes painful.             The economy suffers unspeakable loss. Above all, it paralyses the city life. 

Myself: I think patients, businessmen, students are the worst sufferers.

Frank : Why does load-shedding occur frequently?

Myself: Homes, buildings and factories have increased in our country. But the 

         supply of power has not increased accordingly. As a result load-                               shedding occurs frequently.

Frank: According to me illegal connection of electricity is also responsible

              for this.

Myself: Yes, you are right. What can we do now?

Frank: We can do nothing but pray to God to help us with his divine power.

Myself: That’s true but there is none to come forward to solve this problem.

Frank: I think in that case government should take immediate measures

to redress the curse of load-shedding. At the same time, the users of electricity

should be frugal in case of using it.

Myself: Oh! The power supply has been resumed. I can see the lights. Let’s

               hurry home.

Frank: Yes, be quick.

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