Jun 11, 2021

A dialogue between two friends about early rising.

 In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent

A dialogue between two friends about early rising

Abir : Good morning, Anik.

Anik : Good morning. How are you?

Abir : I’m fine. What about you?

Anik : Quite well.

Abir : Why are you so early here at Gulshan Park? Do you come here everyday?

Anik : Not always. I occasionally come here, and you?

Abir : I always come here.

Anik : Why do you come here daily?

Abir : Actually I always get up from bed before sunrise.

Anik : Could you tell me about the benefits of early rising?

Abir : Don’t you know the proverb “ Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man

          healthy, wealthy and wise”?

Anik : Could you make it clear, please?

Abir :  Yeah. You know an early riser gets many advantages. He can start his

           work early and get enough time to perform them properly.

Anik : Is there any other benefit of it?

Abir : Of course, the man who rises early can take physical exercise. It also removes

          the laziness. In addition, an early riser can enjoy fresh air in the morning.

Anik : What are the merits of morning fresh air?

Abir : Morning fresh air refreshes the body and mind of an early riser.

Anik : What are the demerits of late rising?

Abir : A late riser wastes a lot of time in sleeping. He does not have enough time to

           do his work appropriately. Moreover, he can’t enjoy morning fresh air and

           loses stamina. I think he becomes lazy in all respect.

Anik : I was quite in dark about the benefits of early rising.

Abir : Early rising is really a good habit. We should cultivate this habit from the very

          beginning of our life.

Anik : Exactly. Thank you very much. I‘ve come to know many things from you

           about the benefits of early rising.

Abir : My pleasure.

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