Jun 11, 2021

An email to a friend Congratulation on brilliant success

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent 

## Write an email to a friend Congratulation on brilliant success   

From     :< ria@gmail.com>

To         : < dia @gmail.com>

Sent      : Monday, 5 June 2021; 3:00 pm

Subject:   Congratulation on brilliant success   

Dear Dia,

Hope you are quite well by the grace of Almighty. Hope you are hale and hearty by the grace of Almighty. Few hours back I received your long waited e-mail. My joys knew no bound when I came to learn from your sweet note that you got first prize in the divisional art competition. I heartily congratulate you on your brilliant and outstanding success. I am proud of you like your parents and well-wishers. My parents are also very glad to know your success. I believe your unique success will remain continued in all competitions to come. May Allah bless you and grant you a long life.

You must make me know when you are coming to Dhaka. We are looking forward to getting you in the midst of us shortly.

I am keeping well. I wish you the best of luck.

Lovingly yours,  


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