Jun 4, 2021

Load-shedding- paragraph

  In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent


Load-shedding means suspension of electricity for the time being. The people living in the areas supplied with electricity are quite familiar with the term load-shedding.

Load-shedding occurs when generation of power is less than the demand and also for unplanned distribution of electricity. Besides, illegal connection of electricity is responsible for this. It occurs mainly in cities, towns and villages. Homes, buildings, shop, industries, mills and factories have increased to some extent but the supply of power has not increased comparatively. As a result, load-shedding occurs frequently. Due to load-shedding, production in mills and factories is intercepted seriously, social order suffers huge loss and domestic life becomes painful. The economy suffers huge lose. It paralyses city life. Men in all spheres of life have to live in stuffy and suffocating condition for load-shedding. The students, patients, businessmen are the worst sufferers. In fact load shedding causes great sufferings to the people and an irreparable lose to the country. In order to get rid of this problem, government should take effective measures to produce adequate power, set up more electric plants and disconnect the illegal connections. Besides, users throughout the country should be prudent in case of using electricity.

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