Sep 1, 2021

A dialogue on importance of tree plantation

  In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent

A dialogue on importance of tree plantation

Ratul: Hello, Majid. How are you?

Majid: Fine, thanks and you?                                                                    

Ratul: I am fine. What are you reading?

Majid: I am reading an article on tree plantation.

Ratul: What is tree plantation?

Majid: Tree plantation means planting trees more and more in every bare space.

Ratul: Why is it necessary for us to plant trees?

Majid: We cannot think of our existence without trees. Trees are closely related with our life as our best friends. Moreover, trees serve many useful purposes.

Ratul: What purposes do trees serve?

Majid: We get fruits, flowers, fuel and timber from trees. Trees make the air fresh and improve the environment.

Ratul: What is the best time for tree plantation in our country?

Majid: Well, June and July are the best time for that.

Ratul: Where can we plant trees?

Majid: The sea-beaches, the low-lying areas, the both sides of roads and highways should be brought under afforestation.

Ratul: But people have all the time being cutting down trees in many purposes. I think this is creating an adverse effect on the country.

Majid: Yes, you are right. Frequent cutting down of trees ruins ecological balance.

Ratul: In that case, what should we do?

Majid: We have to make it a point to plant more trees than we cut down.

Ratul: I think to lead a happy, peaceful and progressive life under the shade of green trees we must undertake a vast project for planting trees all over country.

Majid: I agree with you. Oh! I have to go now. Thank you very much.

Ratul: You are most welcome.

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