Sep 1, 2021

The Wonders of Modern Science - Composition/ Essay

 In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent

The Wonders of Modern Science

Modern age is an age of science. Modern science is nothing but a skill magician. It has made our life easy and comfortable. One after one, it is providing the mankind with wonders. It has absolutely conquered the indomitable forces of nature. In fact, we cannot think of our modern life without science.

 Electricity is the first wonder of modern science. It is the first driving force of modern civilization. Electric-power is used for various purposes. Without it, the advancement of modern science is Impossible.

Computer is a fairly recent invention. It is the greatest contribution of science so far made.  It has now become an essential part of modern life. There is hardly any sector in our life where we do not use computer. In agricultural, medical, educational, communication and transportation sectors, we have been able to attain great achievements with the help of computer.

Science has done miracle in the field of medical science. It has enabled men to fight diseases effectively. Biopsy and Ultra sonogram, E.C.G, Ultra-Violet Ray, X-Ray and Penicillin are the wonders of modern science in the field of medical science. Besides, there are many other inventions of modern science against many other fatal diseases.

Science has created wonders in the fields of communication. It has removed the distance of place. We can travel hundreds of mile within a short time by train, bus, steamer, launch, car and aero plane carry us from one place to another place.  Telephone, telex, fax, wireless, telegram, E-mail etc. are great wonders of science. They have brought the world closer to us. They have brought the world closer to us. We can send news from one corner to another of the world within a few seconds.

Science has discovered many wonders in the fields of recreation. Television, radio, face book, internet etc. are the main sources of mass communication as well as recreation. Television and radio are the popular mediums of communicating thoughts and opinions. At one hand, they broadcast the news of national and international affairs. On The Other hand, they are the chief Sources of entertainment. Likewise, internet provides us with all kinds of information and recreation. Besides, Space travel and the invention of nuclear energy are the wonderful success of modern science.

Science is the greatest of all conquerors both past and present. It does today what was supposed to be impossible yesterday. It seems that it has started its journey not to be stopped anywhere at any time.

"The best of the houses is the house where an orphan gets love and kindness."    -------- Prophet Mohammed (pbuh)

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