Sep 2, 2021

A dialogue between a customer and a book seller on buying books

In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Beneficent

·       A dialogue between a customer and a book seller on buying books

Book seller : Good morning.

Customer    : Good morning.

Book seller : How can I help you?

Customer    : Yes, I am looking for a few books.

Book seller : What kind of books do you want?

Customer    : They are mainly children’s story book.

Book seller : Okay, do you have any particular name?

Customer    : Yes, I do. I like ‘Cinderella and of Mice and Men’.

Book seller : Yes, we have those. I’ll just get them for you.

Customer    : Alright. Do you have “The Magic Faraway Tree”?

Book seller : Umm… Do you know who the writer is?

Customer    : I think Enid Blyton writes it.         

Book seller : Oh! Yes. We have also those. Enid Blyton is very popular among children.

Customer    : I like those books very much.

Book seller : Is there anything else?

Customer    : No. That’s all. How much should I pay for them?

Book seller : Eight hundred taka.

Customer    : Here is the money.

Book seller : Thank you. Please visit us next time.

Customer    : You’re welcome.

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