Jun 20, 2022

A dialogue between two new comers in the school campus

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful

A dialogue between two new comers in the school campus

Rabbi: Hello, I guess you are a new comer.

Zarif : You are right. I am Zarif. What is your name?

Rabbi: I am Rabbi. I am also a new comer here.

Zarif: I am glad to meet you. How are you?

Rabbi: I am fine and you?

Zarif: I am fine too. May I discuss with you about our personal matters?

Rabbi: Sure! Why not?

Zarif: Where are you from?

Rabbi: I am from Dhaka.

Zarif: Why have you come to this city?

Rabbi: Actually, My father is a government officer. Recently he has been transferred from

          Dhaka to here. For this reason I am here with my family.

Zarif: Hmmm. May I know why have you chosen this school?

Rabbi: Actually, this school is supposed to be the best school in this city. The teachers are

          reputed and the academic system of this school is very much up –to-date.

Zarif: You are right. I have also chosen this school for this reason. What do you want to be?

Rabbi: Oh, I want to be a doctor. And you?

Zarif: I want to be a teacher. Have you collected class routine?

Rabbi: Yes. You can get it from my diary.

Zarif: Sure. Ok, I have to go now. Thanks for your time.

Rabbi: Ok. You are welcome. See you. 

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