Jun 21, 2023

A dialogue about eradicating the illiteracy problem from Bangladesh * “A dialogue between my friend and myself about eradicating the illiteracy problem from Bangladesh


“A dialogue between Ratul and myself about eradicating the illiteracy problem from Bangladesh”

Ratul: Hello, how are you?

Myself: Fine thanks, and you?

Ratul: I am fine. What are you reading?

Myself: I am reading an article on illiteracy problem of our country.

Ratul: Would you please tell me the condition of illiteracy in Bangladesh?

Myself: Certainly. Enormous number of people of our country are illiterate.

Ratul: What harm does it cause to the society?

Myself: It is a curse for a nation. It is also the root cause of ignorance which frustrates all development efforts of government and the community. Without eradicating illiteracy no development efforts can be succeeded.

Ratul: How can we get rid of illiteracy?

Myself: People should be made aware of the importance of illiteracy. Primary education should be made compulsory and more community learning centers should be established for teaching adults and out of the school youths.

Ratul: But there are some people in our society who are very poor and they are unwilling to send their children to school owing to poverty.

Myself: Indeed it is quite so. To persuade the poor people to send their children to school the government has also started “Food for education”. Programme and provided some financial assistance for primary education too.

Ratul: I think we should work hard in hand with the government to educate the illiterate.

Myself: Right you are. Education is a blessing. It’s a key which unlocks a new world to the people in ignorance.

Ratul: Really, keeping illiterate a large section of people, no nation can expect progress and prosperity.

Myself: We must come forward in this respect.

Ratul: If we are sincere in our works and deeds nothing is impossible.

Myself: That’s right. Thank you.

Ratul: You are most welcome.

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