Jun 21, 2023

UNEMPLOYMENT PROBLEM IN BANGLADESH * Essay on unemployment problem in Bangladesh



Being a small country with large population, Bangladesh is beset with a good deal of problems. Unemployment problem is one of them. Unemployment means a state of being without any opportunity of earning one’s livelihood. When a person, whether he is educated or not, does not get any occupation by which he can maintain himself and his family, he must be said to be unemployed. At present, managing a job is the toughest task for thousands of young men in our country.

In fact, unemployment is a common phenomenon in almost all the countries of the world both developed and developing. But nowhere in the world this problem is so acute as in Bangladesh. There are many reasons behind this problem. To speak the truth, the rapid growth of population is the prime cause of unemployment problem in Bangladesh.

Most of the people of our country depend on agriculture. But our cultivable land is limited. Moreover, our present system of education creates educated unemployed young man instead of giving any solution. In our educational system there is no much scope of giving vocational training and technical education to a student. So after taking the highest degree even from the highest seal of learning, they remain unemployed. They generally think it to be disgraceful to do any manual work they prefer service to any kind of business inequitable distribution national wealth, political turbulence, frequent visit of natural calamities like floods, cyclones and brought are partly responsible for creating unemployment problem.

Unemployment is a great social evil. It leads people to various anti-social activities which hamper the normal course of social life. Besides, lack of opportunity for employment makes people frustrated to take education.

In order to solve this problem, we have to mobilize all our energies to this purpose without wasting time. Of the various remedies the most potent seems to the industrialization of our country. A large number of mills, factories, firms and industries should be set up where many of our unemployed youths will get the opportunity to work. A radical change in the prevailing system of education is also called for. We should pay attention to vocational, technical and professional education. Our educated youth should be made to give up their mania for job. They should be encouraged to respect manual labour and choose an independent career. They can work in agriculture field, cultivate fish and grow vegetables.

In fine, it can be said that the very existence of our nation is in danger since the problem of unemployment in Bangladesh is getting more and more serve day by day. If we fail to solve this monster of unemployment, our independence as well as our existence will be doomed. Besides government, people of all walks should work hand to hand to get rid of the curse of unemployment.

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