Jun 26, 2023

Discipline * Essay on Discipline

 In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful


Discipline indicates the quality of being able to behave and work in a controlled way which involves obeying particular rules or standards. It is the precondition to succeed in life. It is regard as an essential part to regulate human conduct in the right manner in the right time. So to be successful one should be disciplined. It has no alternative way.

Discipline reigns supremely everywhere in the universe. The sun, the moon, the earth and above all the solar system work following certain discipline. It they hadn’t been disciplined, the life on earth would have been impossible. The lower animals are also disciplined. The life of the bees in a hive is much disciplined. All the bees obey the queen bees. Ants also lead their life in a disciplined way.

We are to do many things in a day. We can do them haphazardly or in an ordinary manner. If we do things systematically, we can do more work and get better results. We should have a routine or timetable for various kinds of activities. But discipline is a matter of long practice and perseverance. A grown up man can hardly go by discipline right from the childhood. The children should be taught discipline by their family. If the family is disciplined, the children of that family must be disciplined.

Discipline is a must for the smooth running of offices, educational institutions, mills and factories, schools, colleges and universities are the best places where man learns discipline. A student has to observe the rules of institution and to obey the orders of his superiors, show respect to his teachers. If he fails to maintain a disciplined life, he is sure to repent and his positions will be nowhere.

Discipline is more necessary in the army. The soldiers must maintain discipline. They must carry out the order of the commander in toto. A small disciplined army can overthrow a strong indiscipline army.

Discipline plays a great role in the play ground. In the play ground the referee or the umpire is all in all. A player has to respect to the decision of the referee or umpire.

In fine, we can say that from the playground to the battle field, discipline has its value. So, discipline is such a training of mind which is inevitable for peace and harmony in life, society and country.

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