Jun 20, 2023

Duties of a Student* Essay on Duties of a Student

 In the name of Allah, the Most beneficent, the Merciful   

Duties of a Student

A student has a lot of duties to himself as well as to the parents, to the country, to the mankind and above all, to the Almighty. His duties to himself are very significant because student life is the best part of his life. It is as it were the seed time of life. A student has also some certain duties to the society in which he lives in.

The first and foremost duty of a student is to study with great concentration. He should not waste his time and energy in anything other than his studies. He has to acquire the best knowledge and do his work properly. In addition, a student should cultivate good habits, etiquettes and give up bad ones. Besides, he should not be addicted to smoking and drugs. If a student is industrious, honest and sincere in this stage of life, these virtues will guide him through the right path. A student should devote himself in research work for discovery and invention. He should realize the importance of scientific study and technology.

 Students can give free service in different spheres of our national life. They can take part in eradicating illiteracy from society. They can also take part in sanitation programmes for villagers and social awareness programmes.

Students’ service is necessary in the field of our national health. Female students can teach the uneducated women how to keep their houses neat and clean. They can also teach women how to bring up children and look after their health. The village people and the people living in the slums have no knowledge about health and environment. Students can teach them about the basic rules of them.

A student should spread the helping hand for the victims during natural disasters like floods, earthquake, cyclones and famine. He can collect money from the rich, raise funds, save the affected people, feed the hungry, and nurse the sick and clothe the naked. During epidemics medical students and other students may serve the sick with proper foods, clothes, medicines and other necessary things.

The future of a nation depends on what the students are doing today. A student should bear in mind that only they can make a nation great. So, he should take a bold step at the time of national need and set everything right.

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