Jun 12, 2023

Class Seven English Summative Assessment Guideline (Part-2) * English Assessment (Sample Answer)

                                             1st Summative Assessment Guideline

Class: Seven

Subject: English

In practice sessions 3 and 4, students will discuss, plan, and independently demonstrate the use of synonyms, antonyms and degrees of comparison in their writings while comparing the two experiences/units of English and Science textbooks.

List of similarities:

1) Length of Science book unit -1 is longer than English book unit -1

2) Science book unit -1 has more illustrations than English book unit -1

3) Language of English book unit -1 is easier to understand than science book unit -1.

4) English book unit -1 is more interesting than Science book unit -1

5) English book unit -1 has more activities than Science book unit -1

6) Science book unit -1 has more images of animals than English book unit -1

List of dissimilarities:

1) Size of Science book unit -1 is long but English book unit -1 is short.

2) Science book unit -1 is passive but English book unit-1 is very interactive.

3) Language of English book unit -1 is easy to understand while science book unit -1 language is very difficult to get.

 My learning from Comparative Analysis

From the comparative analysis and from the experiences of English and science textbooks we have learnt many things and they have inspired us to learn more.

1) Knowledge sharing

2) Problem solving skills

3) Positive attitude to learn more

4) Responsibility

5) How images help us to understand easily

6) Democratic attitude

                                                             Central Theme

From the comparative analysis and from the experiences from English and science textbooks we have learnt three important skills. These skills are very significant in all walks of our life. Knowledge sharing is important because it enhances the collective ability to achieve academic achievements. It also helps us to improve communication and interpersonal skills. Teamwork motivates us to rely on one another to get the things done. Teamwork also makes progress easier and allows the group to overcome obstacles. Responsibility is a valuable trait that helps us excel in several areas of our lives. Taking responsibility empowers us. Once we are in charge we can do anything we wish. It ensures that we take ownership of our duties and that we care for those around us.

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