Jul 1, 2023

Essay on Newspaper * Newspaper

  In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful


A newspaper indicates a set of regularly printed sheets of paper consisting of news reports, articles, photographs and advertisements. It mainly contains news and views of home and abroad. It is true that with the invention of radio, TV, computer and internet men have easy access to information worldwide. But the necessity of newspapers has not lessened at all. Frankly speaking, a newspaper has become an integrated part of our everyday life.

There are daily, weekly, monthly, fortnightly, quarterly and even yearly published newspapers. The dailies contain news and views about daily affairs of the whole world. And others are called periodicals and magazines. They publish stories, essays, poems or literature, criticisms and so on.

The newspaper was first published in England during the reign of Queen Elizabeth. In 1774, the first newspaper in Indo-Bangladesh named ‘Indian Gazette’ was published. The ‘Samachar Darpan’ is the first Bangla newspaper.

Newspapers give us news about politics, economics, culture, entertainment, literature, games and sports of the whole world. In the field of politics newspapers play a vital and significant role. They criticize the action of government of politics and thus to formulate correct decisions by those who run the state machinery. And in doing so the press acts as the hyphen between the state and the people. Newspapers always keep a permanent link between buyers and sellers, producers and consumers, authors and readers.

As the newspaper can inspire the whole nation to run to the country’s fortune, it can also mislead the people to a certain doom. So, the malpractice of the press is condemned by the whole nation.

In fine, we can articulate our view in this way that newspapers bring the world near. They give us a feeling of one community of human beings all over the world. Despite its bad side, we cannot ignore its immense utility.

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