Jul 2, 2023

Seasons of Bangladesh

 In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful

Seasons of Bangladesh


Season is one of the divisions of a year according to weather. Its number and features vary from country to country.  Bangladesh is a favorite play ground of six seasons. At an interval of every two months, there appears a new season. The seasons are summer, the rainy season, autumn, late autumn, winter and spring. Each season has its own beauty, color, sights, sounds and features.

Summer is the first season of the year. It consists of the months of Baishakh and Jaistha. It is the warmest season of the year. On account of terrible heat ponds, lakes, canals etc. dry up. It is the season of perspiration and thirst. Sometimes Kalbaishakhi visits now and then. It comes with lightning, thunder and terrible wind. It causes much havoc to life and property. In spite of disadvantages of summer, it is not without its blessing. It is rich in juicy fruits. Fruits of different kinds and sizes such as mango, lichi and jack-fruit ripe during this season and create a festive mood among the rural people.

After summer comes the rain to drench everything. The rains are at first a welcome relief from the baking, dusty hot season.  The month of Ashar and Sravan make the rainy season. During this time the sky often remains cloudy. It rains cats and dogs. Due to heavy and continual rains rivers, ponds, canals, fields etc. are full to the brim. Sometimes there is flood which causes great hardship to people.  However, rains make all nature gay and happy. During this season the plants and trees with their green leaves present a view of life and hope.

The rainy season is followed by the autumn. It consists of Bhadra and Aswin. The cloudy sky clears up at the advent of this season. Sometimes patches of white clouds are seen floating in the sky. The weather is fair and clean. The beauty of moonlight night in this season beggars description.

Then the late autumn comes. It comprises the Bengali months of Katrick and Agrahayon. It is the season of dew. It is the messenger of coming winter. It is neither cold nor hot. The paddy begins to ripe. The farmers are busy with their harvests and they perform their ‘Nobanno’ in this season.

After late autumn, the winter comes. Poush and Magh are the months of winter season. It is the coldest period of Bangladesh. At advent of winter, nature becomes dull and gloomy. Trees become bare of leaves. Days are very short and the nights are long. It is the season of fog. People shiver in cold. During this season, various delicious of the fresh vegetables are found available.

The spring is the queen of all seasons. Falgun and chaitra make the spring. Spring is the most attractive season when nature wears new dress with trees having fresh leaves and people heaving a sigh of relief with the departure of winter. It is symbol of the transition from winter into summer. A gentle breeze blows. The cuckoo sings sweet song. There is joy everywhere.

 With the end of the spring, the seasons of Bangladesh take a complete cycle. Bangladesh is an agricultural country and its agriculture depends largely on seasonal change. So each season has its own influence on our agriculture and on the people of the country.

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