Jun 26, 2023

Physical exercise * Essay on Physical exercise

 In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful

Physical Exercise

 Physical exercise means regular movement of the limbs of the body following certain rules. It is a precondition to sound health. It makes us active. Even in order to have disease free body we have to take physical exercise regularly.

There are many kinds of physical exercise. Some are specially useful for old and aged people. Walking is an excellent exercise. People of all ages can take this exercise. Walking helps to have a nice appetite and it also helps good digestion. Swimming is another nice exercise. The whole limbs and the body are moved in it. All kinds of sports can be regarded as physical exercise. Football, cricket, ha –du-du, run, race all these are good kinds of exercise. Gymnastics is another fine exercise. It needs great skill in the movement of the body.

Gymnastic exercises are not suited to people of all ages. Riding, racing, rowing, wrestling, martial art, indoor and outdoor games offer simple opportunities for the exercise of our body. Among all forms of exercise swimming and walking are the best because they cost nothing.

Some people think that physical exercise is a mere waste of time. But it is as essential as our food. There is a close and vital connection between mind and body. Education broadens our mind and physical exercise develops all the parts of the body. Mere acquisition of knowledge without sound health is of no use to society. There lies a close connection between body and mind. It is physical exercise which enables us to build a good health which is to key to success.

There are many people who do not take physical exercise. They can hardly realize that they themselves are ruining their health. They fall victim to many disease. Life becomes dull to them. People suffering from diabetes, heart disease and hypertension can be benefited greatly from physical exercise. People of developed country pay more importance to physical exercise. There are physical training centres, gymnasium, and swimming pool in every part of the city. People of our country must realize its importance and make arrangements so that everybody can take physical exercise every day

In concluding lecture goes the saying – “A healthy mind in a healthy body”. We cannot think a sound mind without a sound body. Physical exercise makes our body active and the muscles strong and it also improves our power of digestion and blood circulation. It gives strength to our brain. So, a little exercise of everyday can make a man happy, active and healthy.


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