Jun 2, 2023

Tree Plantation

 In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent and the Most Merciful

Tree Plantation

Tree plantation indicates planting trees to a large extent. The motto of tree plantation is to bring every eligible bare space of land under afforestation. In environment, a tree is one of the most significant elements which plays a vital role in our life as well as in our economy. We cannot think of our existence without trees. As our best friends, trees are closely related to our life. Rabindranath says, ‘Back thy forest, take your town.’

 A tree serves many useful purposes. It takes in carbon dioxide and produces oxygen which is indispensable for our life. It defends animal world from danger. Trees provide us with various kinds of juicy, delicious and nutritive fruits, beautiful flowers, fuel and timber. Trees make the air fresh and improve the environment. They have also added to the beauty of the nature. They save us from storms and floods and prevent land from erosion.

People have all the time been cutting down trees for many purposes. This is creating a perilous situation for the country. It requires minimum 25% forest land for any country to maintain natural balance. But Bangladesh has only 16% forest land of the total land area. As a result, the balance in the seasons in Bangladesh is not now maintained. We are not getting enough rainfall. Sudden flood, cyclone and overflowing of water occur almost every year in Bangladesh. If trees are continuously destroyed, Bangladesh will turn into a desert in future.

Anyway, to have the ecological balance, we should plant saplings in every bare space of land. We should plant more trees than we cut down. The sea beaches or coastal areas, the low lying areas, both sides of the roads and highways should be brought under afforestation. June and July are the best time for tree plantation. Our government has already launched a massive and ambitious programme regarding tree plantation.

In fine, it can be said, ‘Where there is a tree, there is a life.’ We should not destroy trees at random. To lead a happy, peaceful and progressive life under the shade of green trees, we must undertake a vast project for planting trees all over the country. To materialize this purpose, mass awareness is urgently required.


‘There is no alternative of hard work’


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