Showing posts with label Dialogue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dialogue. Show all posts

Jun 11, 2021

A dialogue between myself and the librarian about having a library card

 In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Beneficent

A dialogue between myself and the librarian about having a library card

 Myself           :  Excuse me!

Librarian       :  Oh sure!  Good morning. How can I help you?

Myself           :  I want to have a library card. Could you tell the procedure of being a 

                           member of the library?

A dialogue between two friends about physical exercise

 In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful

“A dialogue between two friends about physical exercise”

Majid: Hello, Ratul. How are you?

Ratul: Fine, thanks. Why do you look pale and frail?

Majid: Well, I have not been feeling well for the past few days.

A dialogue about the preparation for the ensuing annual exam

 In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful

A dialogue between two friends about the preparation for the ensuing annual exam

Anisha: Hello, Tony. How are you?

Myself: I am well. What about you?

Anisha: I am much worried about the upcoming annual examination.

Oct 31, 2020

A dialogue about the preparation for the exam

 In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Beneficent

A dialogue between two friends about the preparation for the exam

Ratul: Hello, Majid. How are you?

Majid: I am well. What about you?

Ratul: I am much worried about the upcoming examination.

Oct 17, 2020

A dialogue about the importance of learning English * Benefits of learning English

 In the name of Allah, the most Merciful, the most Beneficent

 A dialogue between Fahim and Abid about the importance of learning English is given below:

Fahim    : Good morning, Tom.

Abid       : Good morning, Fahim.

Fahim     : What are you doing?

Abid        : I am reading an article about the importance of learning English.

Fahim     : Actually English is essential in our every walk of life.

Aug 30, 2020

Dialogue on importance of value of time

  In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent and the most Merciful

Dialogue between two friends on importance of value of time

Zafi: Hello Zarif! How are you?

Zarif: I am fine and what about you?

Zafi: I am fine too. But I am in some trouble.

Zarif: I am sorry for that. Can I be of any help to you?

Zafi: You know, Zarif, I missed many of my classes. And now I am having trouble with understanding those lessons. Exams are also knocking at the door. 

Aug 24, 2020

A dialogue on the importance of using a dictionary

In the name of Allah; The Most Merciful; The Most Beneficent

A dialogue between two friends about the importance of using a dictionary

Kamal  : Hi Jamal! How are you?
Jama    : Hello! I'm fine. Thank you, and what about you?
Kamal  : I'm quite fine. Are you in a hurry?

Jamal   : Yes, I'm going to buy a dictionary?
Kamal  : Dictionary? What is a dictionary?

Jamal   : A dictionary is a compilation of words ranging from letters A-Z. It is

     a very important tool for anyone who is learning a new language.

Kamal  : Hmmm, I see. What is the importance of using a dictionary?

Jamal   :  Well, it helps us define and spell words. This is fundamental for all

     of us. Besides, we can also see the pronunciation of the words.

Kamal  : How can I find out a word from the dictionary easily?

Jamal  :  To find out a word easily from it you have to search only the

      first letter of the word and then you can add the second letter, then

     the third. In fact, the words are arranged in alphabetical order .So,

     you can get your required word if you search following this rule.

Kamal  :  I think it’s very good to know a new word easily.
Jamal  : Yes, you are absolutely right.

Kamal  : Ok. Thanks for your nice information.

Jamal    : It’s my pleasure.

***হে ঈমানদারগণ! এই যে মদ, জুয়া, প্রতিমা এবং ভাগ্য-নির্ধারক শরসমূহ এসব শয়তানের অপবিত্র কাজ । অতএব, এগুলো থেকে বেঁচে (এড়িয়ে চল) থাক-যাতে তোমরা সফলকাম (কল্যাণপ্রাপ্ত) হতে পার। (সূরা মায়েদা -৯০)

Jul 10, 2018

A Dialogue on the unforgettable contribution of the great women *Grade-6,7 & 8

In the name of Allah, the most Beneficent, the Merciful

A dialogue between myself and my elder brother (Mamun) about the unforgettable contribution of the great women mentioned my text book.

Myself            : Good morning, Brother. How are you?
Mamun          : Good morning. I’m fine and you?
Myself            : I’m fine. Are you busy now?
Mamun          : No, Why?

Jun 29, 2018

A dialogue on the benefits of morning walk *Writing part* Grade-Six to Ten

In the name of Allah;the Most Merciful; the Most Beneficent

A dialogue between two friends about the benefits of morning walk is given below:

Kabir         : Good morning. How are you?
Mamun      : Good morning, I’m fine and you?

Kabir         : I’m fine. Are you busy now?
Mamun      : No, Why?
Kabir         : I want to talk to you about a serious matter.
Mamun      : Obviously, I’m always ready to tell you whatever you want to know.
Kabir         : I have heard that you get up early in the morning and walk for quite a long time.

Dec 4, 2016

A dialogue on the importance of games and sports

In the name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The  Most Merciful

A dialogue between two friends on the importance of games and sports
Zaif     : Good afternoon, how are you?

aad   : Good afternoon, I am fine. What’s about you?

Zaif    : Fine. Where are you going now?

Saad  : Oh, now I am going to play football with my  
            friends. Will you play  with  us?

Zaif    : Actually, I do not like any type of games and 
           sports. They are totally boring and wasting of   

Saad  : Very sad. You are a good student but you do not 
           know about the importance of games and sports.  

Zaif    : Are they important for us?

Saad  : Surely, they help us to be active and fresh. They 
            remove all of the disease and monotony from our 
            body. Games and sports make us fit and 
           strong.  Even they are also a form of  good 

Zaif   : Really! I was in dark about this. As a result I 
           always feel sick and  weak. But it needs so much 

Saad : You can play only in the afternoon or when you 
           get free at that time you can play.

Zaif   : Thank you for your valuable advice. 
           Now from today I will start playing games. So, let’s  
           go. I will also play with you.

Saad  :  Ok. Let’s go.

হে ঈমানদারগণ! তোমাদের ধন-সম্পদ ও সন্তান-সন্ততি যেন তোমাদেরকে আল্লাহর স্মরণ থেকে উদাসীন (গাফেল) না করে। যারা এ কারণে উদাসীন (গাফেল) হবে, তারাই তো ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত। (সূরা মুনাফিকুন-০৯)